A New Person

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Taehyung pov

All the members were back in the room. Well, all except Hoseok. He still hasn't returned after our...talk.

I keep staring at the door, waiting for him to come in with a bright smile on his face.

"Do you guys know where Hoseok is?" Jin asked, concerned laced in his voice.

"No I haven't seen him. Jimin and I were to busy eating" Jungkook says.

However when I look at Jimin, he has a smirk on his lips and I notice jungkook trying to pull his shirt up higher.

What is up with my group members today? I hear the door slam and Hoseok run in panting.

He has a smile plastered on his face and beads of sweat dripping down his chin or is that water?

He probably splashed water on his face to get rid of the tears. "Sorry, I had to use the bathroom and things just took longer than I expect. If you know what I mean."

" Okay, spare us the details. Let's get back to practice." Namjoon said.

Everyone got in their positions for Run and Yoongi used his phone to start the music from the speakers.

We practiced for another 2 hours before everyone decided that was good enough for today. Hoseok finally stopped stumbling over the moves and was probably better than before.

It was a little frightening to see him put on that smile like it was nothing. It made me wonder if all the other times he smiled were for real.

I can't understand him. One second he's crying and the next he's acting like nothing happened and smiling like an idiot.

"Let's head back to the dorms." Jimin said already picking up his practice bag.

The rest of the members followed him, but Hoseok grabbed my arm before I could do the same.

"What are you doing?"

"I've decided something." Hoseok said. " I'm not going to pull back because you think your against this whole thing. I'll make you want me."


"I'm going to give those fangirls of ours a reason to scream their brains out and you too. You won't know what to do with yourself." He took one step towards me and I took one back.

"Hoseok you're scaring me. Are you alright?"

To my dismay he let out a dark laugh. "I'm better than okay." He said, before leaving me in the room dumb founded.

I think I pushed him too far. I miss the smiles, even if they were fake.

I follow after him so it doesn't look to suspicious.


"If all the members were girls, who would you date and why?"

We were now on the set of After School Club and Eric just asked Hoseok this question.

Hoseok took a thoughtful look. Then smiled like a light bulb just went off in his head.

"I'd date V because of his humor. I think we'd be able to joke around and have fun together." He said slyly, before giving me a side glance.

Of course I had to play my part. So instead of cringing, I made a confused face. "Really? I never knew that...uh thanks." I said with a stupid smile on my face.

Everyone laughed at my comment and we moved on to the next activity.

"Okay, let's go to hangout." The screen behind us flashes and an African American girl with curly brown hair and obsedin colored eyes pops up on the screen.

"Hi, Isabelle. Do you have a request for the members to complete?"

"Yes, hi. Um...I'm a huge BTS fan and it's my birthday coming up and I wanted the members each to say I love Isabelle with their own flare to it." She rambled.

The members all let out an excited uproar at the same time.

"Jimin why don't you start." Eric suggested.

"Okay." He turned to the camera and licked his lips. "I love you Isabelle." He said in a husky voice. The members screamed in embarrassment, but I couldn't help but notice the way Kookie glared at Jimin for being too into it. Is there something going on between them? They have been acting a little strange lately.

Maybe I should try that look when Hoseok says his. Then I noticed how it wasn't just Jungkook that seemed off.
When Namjoon said a small rap for Isabelle to express his love, jin was looking down at his lap timidly.

Maybe I should try that. suddenly it was my turn and I did the only thing I could think of. I cupped my face inbetween my hands and squished my cheeks together. "I love you Isabelle."

The rest of the members were looking at me with second hand embarrassment while Hoseok bit his lip slightly. Only I noticed however.

Then yoongi said his cooly, like it was a normal phrase. It was now Hoseok's turn.

He got up from his chair and pretended to be shot by an arrow. "I love you so much it hurts...Isabelle." Then he fell to the ground.

The other members laughed at his silliness. I decided to laugh along to not look to weird, but on the inside I couldn't shake that anxious feeling. Hoseok was definitely playing with me. Why did he hesitate?

The rest of the show went by smoothly. I made sure to glare when needed and act friendly to Hoseok when we played games.

But all of it was fake. I'm not jealous of Hoseok saying things to other members and I'm not in love with him.

We piled into the van and drove off from the set after we said our thanks to the staff and Eric.

Hoseok sat next to me and on every sharp turn he pressed his body against me. I tried my best to move away from him, but I was stuck inbetween him and yoongi who kept glaring at me for ruining his sleep.

"Stop leaning on me. I'm trying to sleep." yoongi said before pushing me onto Hoseok.
I was practically on his lap now. Unconsciously, I turned to face him and our noses brushed against each other. I couldn't stop my face from heating up, but Hoseok just gave me a sly smile.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer towards him, so I was further from Yoongi. His fingers warmed my body, confusing all my senses.

Why was I reacting this way? Stop it Taehyung. Just act like before when you didn't know he liked you. Before he changed. He's just Hoseok. So why do I feel scared to be so close to him.

What is he doing to me?

Yay!!! Another update. I'm on a roll writing these chapters. Poor Tae he just wants things to go back to normal. But Hoseok you animal. You're definitely showing your devious side. See the awesomeness that happens in the next chapter. Keep reading.

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