The Solution is to Lie?

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Taehyung pov

" Here you go." I pass a bowl of popcorn to Hoseok who is sitting on the couch. His face lights up at the rich buttery snack as he begins to devour the popcorn.

I slap his hand. "Hey, you're going to eat all of it before the movie even starts." Hoseok pouts at me with big doey eyes.

"Alright, Just eat it and stop giving me that face." I push his face with my hand so he's looking in the opposite direction.

"Tae, you don't like my face?" Hoseok asks as he pushes my hand to the side and stares at me.

I panic. Did I say something to hurt him again? Oh no, I wasn't trying too. It just came out.

"Calm down Tae, I was joking." Hoseok laughs at my flustered state and clicks play on the remote control.

I let out a sigh of relief before wrapping my arm around him.

A soft smile appears on my face when I notice the way Hoseok seems to be enjoying himself. He even snuggles himself closer.

I focus my attention back on the television after I realize I've been staring to long. I guess finally not having any drama for 3 days now has been relaxing.

My stress levels have really gone down and Yoongi has strangely stopped his annoying game. That also played a huge role in me not feeling like crap.

I pop a piece of popcorn into my mouth and take my mind off of troublesome thoughts. Right now it's just Hoseok and I.

I click the TV off as the credits begin to roll. Hoseok is fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"what is it?"

"Um, well. I kind of wanted to kiss you, but I can't really position myself to give you one because of my leg."

A deep shade of red creeps onto his face as he averts his eyes. "Oh really?" Hoseok nods his head.

"This is my first time asking, so it feels awkward." My eyes lock on his lips as he licks them.

" If you ever want anything from me, you don't have to be shy about it. Ask away." I tilt his head towards me before I peck his cheek. Then I kiss his other cheek before pulling away.

Hoseok's eyes beg me for more, making me smirk. I kiss his forehead, then his nose. The way his eyes close as I lean towards his lips is cute. I examine how he puckers his lips and smile. I decide I want to play with him a little more and kiss the side of his lip.

Hoseok opens his eyes slightly. "Taeeee." He whines.
"What, you asked for a kiss. I gave you multiple kisses." I chuckle.

"You know what I meant." Hoseok deadpans.

"Hoseok, I didn't realize you had this kinky side to you." I tease him. But actually, I knew he had this side to him with all the ways he's attacked me in the past. How could I forget how he practically jumped on me in the studio.

To put Hoseok out of his misery, I lean into him again and kiss his eager lips. He immediately deepens the kiss and pulls me closer to him. He nibbles on my bottom lip, making me moan out. I feel my face get hot from the embarrassing sound I made, but I have no time to react as Hoseok push me downwards so my back is against the couch cushion.

"Wait, what about your foot?" Hoseok smiled against my lips. "I don't care." He continues to devour my lips and I let him. I run my hands through his hair as he runs his hands down my chest. The sound of our moaning continues to get louder as Hoseok grinds his lower half against me.

"Uh." I buck my hips up, earning a surprised gasp from Hoseok. I smirk at his reaction.

"Have you guys seen this?" Jimin walks into the room, but stops mid stride. "Oh, um... This is awkward."

I glare at Jimin as Hoseok sits up. He stares at me for a second while I slowly move my hands away from his hair.

"Um, so... Have you seen it?" Jimin chimes in.

"Have I seen what?" I snap.

Jimin gulps before holding up his phone to my view. "Apparently the same girl who that post on twitter is asking why you haven't said any details as to what happened at the athletics festival. She really wants an apology."

"What?" I read her post and cringe. Hoseok gently rubs my back as I try to process this information.

"That's not all. She has over 10,000 likes." Jimin states hesitantly.

My mouth drops open. "Huh?"

"How is that possible?" Hoseok questions. His face is just as confused as mine.

"I don't know, but maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave things hanging for so long. We've been keeping our fans in the dark." Jimin adds.

I rub my eyes and feel the emotions of guilt riding back into my skull. The side of my head begins to hurt from the stress.

"Tae, you don't have to worry about them. I forgave you and that's all that matters." Hoseok comforts.

I lean forward and hug Hoseok. " I know you forgave me, but this could be bad for BTS if we don't do anything."


"Good, you're here." Our manager walks to towards the couch, but stops when he sees Hoseok and I holding each other. "Do I even want to know?"

All three of us shake our heads. Our manager lets out a deep sigh, before focusing on us again. "By now you should have seen the post. Well, we need to do something about it and quick. The other managers and I have met with the boss and we all found a simple solution."

We all stare at him, waiting for him to grace us with an answer to our problem. "Taehyung, you need to apologize to the fans directly online. Tell them that you tripped, or make up some story to get them off our case."

"You want me to lie to ARMY?"

Our manager folds his arms and narrows his eyes. "I know it's not easy, but think of your future. If this continues BTS won't survive. Remember what you told me when you became a member of BTS? You said that you didn't want to return home as a failure. If you don't do this, you will be just that. A washed up pop star. Not to mention you will drag everyone down with you."

His words echo in my ear.

Washes up?

A failure?


I can't be.

"Tae, breathe." Hoseok yells.


I clutch my chest and notice the rapid pace it is rising and falling.

What's happening?

Soon enough it feels like my brain is being cut off from air. My chest burns as my lungs try to take in oxygen.

I hunch forward in an attempt to relax, but it only makes it worse.

What's happening to me?

"Someone... Bag... Hurry!" Hoseok orders.

My eyes get blurry as my body goes limp.

This can't happen...

A/N woah, that was just... I can't believe that manager. Wasn't he horrible using Tae's weakness like that. Plus, that girl and her followers that call themselves ARMY. Look at the pain they're causing him. Who do they think they are? Read the next chapter to see what happens.

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