Failure is not an option

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Taehyung pov

The lights shined brightly on the stage as the music started, revealing only 6 of us.

I could hear the gasp from the crowd and loud shouts of 'where's Suga!'but none of that mattered right now because we need to perform this right.

There's no turning back now.

Yoongi POV

A thick mass of darkness surrounds me.

Where am I?

I try to walk forward, but I'm stuck. My feet won't move. I start to panic as I come to this realization.

Somebody help!

Suddenly, I hear a person's voice humming soothingly.

Where is that coming from?

Then, a bright light shines from the ceiling, taking over the darkness.

As if I've been asleep for years, my eyes try their hardest not to budge, but I manage to open them.

I sit up as my eyes wonder around the empty room. Am I still at Mnet?


My eyes flicker to Hyosun's petite form sitting next to me. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes have fresh tears ready to fall making me look at him confused.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.
I'm not prepared when he flings his arms around me and starts crying.

"I'm's just I thought I was going to be fired on my first day... And-and they already knew I was a cluts but if they found out that I let one of you get seriously hurt I wouldn't have a chance."

I roll my eyes and push him away. So he's more worried about keeping his job than my actual health.

He sniffles and stares at me with those huge doe eyes, making me feel uncomfortable. It's like he's searching my soul or something.

"What about everyone else?"

Hyosun bites his lip, nervously. "They decided to perform without you." He whispers.

"What?" I fling my legs off the tiny couch I'm on and begin to move towards the door. However, Hyosun stands infront of me and holds his hand out to stop me.

"Wait, you can't go. They already started." He explains, looking at the floor like he's scared to meet my eyes.

"Whatever, I need to atleast show the fans that I'm okay."
I answer before walking again.
This time Hyosun presses both his hands on my chest to stop me, but his small stature does little to nothing. I continue to walk sliding him backwards.

I smirk when I see his shocked eyes as he realizes that he's too weak. Surprisingly, he doesn't stop though, he grabs my hands and tries to pull me back towards the couch.

Of course, I don't even budge. But for some reason I find myself laughing. Not just a tiny laugh, but hands on knees, I can't breathe type of laughing.

Hyosun stands there in shock, before joining me. "Hey-quit-laughing. I'm trying my best here." Hyosun pleads between laughs.

I wipe a tear that escapes my eye and start to cool down.

"I'm sorry, you're just so weak." This makes Hyosun's face turn a deep shade of red that I've never seen before.

His whole face looks like a cherry as he pouts. "Stop that. I-uh I'm your manager so I deserve some respect."

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