Keep it up Hyosun

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Yoongi pov

Why am I so anxious? Ugh, why is everything so complicated? I just wanted a simple dinner with my parents and some time to relax, but now I have to see if Hyosun's evil cousin is minding his own business.

I drag my hand down my face as I enter the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor. Why can't life be a cake walk. Lets not forget the fact that I just finished an extremely awkward moment with Hyosun.

Ugh, Hyosun. I don't even know what to think about our relationship. What is our relationship? Manager and artist?


I think we've crossed those boundaries.

But, we're not a couple.

Hyosun seems to want that though.

My mind wanders to the possibility of Hyosun actually being my rebound. How would that work?

Bing. The doors open and I step out. I look down the rows of desk and towards the open glass. Hyosun is sitting in a chair while Taehyung and Hoseok seem to be talking.

Maybe, he's sobered up a little. I make my presence known by knocking on the door before entering. The look all three give me is dramatic to say the least. They all look like deers caught in head lights.

"Yoongi, back so soon?" Hoseok says, with a little tremor in his voice while walking up to me.

"Yeah, I came to ask you guys if Chulmoo came up here."

By the blank stares I receive, I know they haven't seen him. This makes me relax more.

"Is that all?" Taehyung asks. He looks like he wants me to leave as soon as possible, but that makes me want to stay more.

"Why the rush?" I smirk. "Maybe, I'll take my shift now." I say, catching him off guard.

"You want to be alone with Hyosun... now?" Tae questions while pointing at Hyosun who gives me a droopy smile.

"Don't worry guys. It seems like Yoongi bear couldn't wait for seconds." Hyosun slurs as he gets up from his seat and walks a few steps before falling into my arms.

I blush at the nickname he gave me, but quickly look away. "Yeah, you guys can leave. I'll keep an eye on him for the time being."

"Okay, um...if you're sure. I guess we'll go." Hoseok answered while eyeing Hyosun wearily. Once they leave I take a seat at the table and sink into the chair.

I look at him while he fiddles in his seat trying to take his shirt off. He turns to me and pouts, "It won't come off. Yoongi, why don't you help?"

"You're something else you know? It's actually quite laughable. Who would have thought that drunk Hyosun could be so vulgar." I lean forward in my seat and put my elbows on my knees. "Sober Hyosun would regret this, so don't even try it." I say while flicking his forehead.

"Ow, that hurt." Hyosun complains. "Am I not as good looking as Jimin? Is-Is that why you don't like me?" Hyosun slurs.

I shrug and examine Hyosun's body. I mean he's not at Jimins level, but he's still pretty handsome. But, I know it's not that. Shaking my head I answer, "No, it's not that."
Why am I even telling drunk Hyosun this? Oh well, it's not like he'll remember. Not after drinking that whole bottle of champagne. "It's because..."

Hyosun leans into me with curious eyes that sparkle with ...something that I can't decipher. His gaze doesn't leave my eyes for a second and actually makes my body heat up.

I look away from him and loosen my tie a little. "It's because... I can't give you a proper relationship. I don't want to... be in a relationship when I still have lingering feelings for another person." I finally take a glance at Hyosun who's eyes have misted over and I immediately feel like holding him.

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