Chapter One

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Chapter One: Just an Ordinary 48 Hours…… Or Is It? 

Indie Rose Thompson

   The alarm goes off. “Oh come on, is it really 7:20.” I sigh. I get up out of my bed and see that Mum had slid something under my door for me to read. I walk over and pick it up. ~Hi shithead, just wanted to let you know that you have to get Anna ready and I want you, Anna and both your stuff downstairs by 8:20. Also Jaxon has been calling worried about you. I suggest you check your phone, I mean, not that I care or anything.~

   Great, now I’m being called shithead. Well at least I have an hour to get everything done and ready.

   I walk over to my tallboy and grab the clothes I need for school. I grab my shirt out and see that it is pink. “Oh god mum, seriously.” She really needs to stop putting her work clothes with my white tops. She always does it. Perhaps she does it on purpose, just so she can get on my nerves. Like she wasn’t already.

   I search around for another one of my white tops. “Thank god it’s not pink.” I put my top on, then my skirt, then my tie, then my jumper. Man I hated wearing a tie, I mean, what job in future do girls have to wear ties. It’s stupid.

   I grab and chuck my pink top into the basket so hopefully the pink comes out, if mum doesn’t put her work clothes with it. Hopefully she doesn’t. She does it on purpose because she knows it takes a lot of washes to get the pink out.

   I head towards the bathroom and spot Anna playing with her dolls. I think dolls are ridiculous. I never played with dolls; it was just drawing, singing and music. “Anna, can you come here please.” She rushed to her feet and followed me into the bathroom. She knew the drill well enough to know what to do.

   As soon as we were in the bathroom, she ducked down and opened the cupboard. She grabbed both our tooth brushes. She passes me mine. “Where’s the toothpaste?” I ask.

   “There isn’t any,” she replies back.

   “Mum can we please burrow your god damn toothpaste?” I yell from the bathroom door.

   “Don’t use too much,” she yells back in an unpleasant tone.

   “Will do.” I say but I don’t think she could have possibly heard it but ok.

   I put the toothpaste on both mine and Anna’s tooth brush and place it under the water. As Anna is brushing her teeth, you can hear her hum the song she has stuck in her head. I still remember when I use to do it to make it more enjoyable. I don’t do it so much anymore because Anna laughs at me.

   After we are done, I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair. I did it in such a weird way, according to my mum but everyone does things differently, different ways.

   After I had finished, I grabbed Anna’s brush, comb her hair and placed it into a ponytail. I loved her so much and hair looked beautiful. It is always so short and blonde. It really suited her.

   She is the only one that loves me in my family. She looks up to me. She keeps telling me that she wished she was me. I think she is perfect just the way she is. She doesn’t have to be like me, as much as she may think she does.

   “You look beautiful Anna.” I say to her.

   “So do you Indie. I wove you.” She replies back.

   “I love you too Anna bana.” She grabs my hand, and we headed downstairs. On the way down, I grabbed our bags and placed them next to the bench, where hopefully Mum wouldn’t fall over them. It probably doesn’t matter because she’d purposely fall over them, just so she could get to me.

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