Imagine #2

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"Pilot 2x439, please appear at the X-Wing. Pilot 2x439."

You wish they would say your real name instead of my pilot were human, too, you know.

Fearful screams fill the air as bloody souls lay lifeless in the ground. Screaming frantically for your parents but getting no answer. Nor could you see them, caught in the pushes and harsh shoves from people....your people...running from the only place you call home. Then.....there it was....a First Order command shuttle...making its careful landing. Men in shining, white uniforms marching as if controlled by some source they don't even realize for themselves. A man in all black walked in the same controlled pace, and as he got closer you realized he had on a mask...looking much like a man you've heard about before. He gave commands to the men in white, then walked swiftly in my direction....he was coming for you. Before you knew it, he had you by the arm, dragging you back to the shuttle.
"LEAVE THEM! We have what we need." He orders them in a voice that you doubt actually belonged to him.
He thrusts you forward towards more men in white suits as black spots already start to cloud your vision. They march you down a large hall in the shuttle and throw you into a room causing you to hit your head hard enough to crack it. Looking up, you see the man, in all black pacing back and forth.
"I know...that you are a typical young soul. Trying to find your way, in a big world where nothing makes sense yet. But....believe me..." Slowly, he put his hand to my forehead and bent down to my level. "I know many things that you don't."
(End of flashback)

Still to this day, you have never forgotten that face. Not like you wanted to, but not like you tried either.
Standing at the new X-Wing, now in your control, and you have never been so frightened in my life. You would blame it on my spontaneous flashbacks, but then again, they aren't the only reasons. You didn't realize that you had been just staring at the Wing when a man cleared his throat. You looked up, and saw possibly the most handsome man you had ever seen. Chiseled jawline, slight stubble, and a certain fire in his eyes that looked as if it was impossible to put out.
"You getting in?" He asked with a bright smile, that seemed as if it was meant for only you. No one else.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm sorry I do--"
"Aaahh don't worry about it. Poe." He held out his hand. "Poe Dameron."
"Y/N." You gave a firm handshake. "Y/F/N. (your full name)"
"Nice to meet you. You fly?"
"Kind of."
"Well, let's see."
Both of you got into the fighter, with him controlling the cannon and me with the panels. "Let's fly." He said. And if you said he didn't sound sexy, you'd be lying. The fighter lit up and sped off in no time, flying smoothly through the galaxy. Soon, you were charged by a couple of First Order fighters speeding your way.
"Company!" He shouted from behind you.
"You got 'em? Cause I do!!"

He aimed and shot while you took a swerve to keep the fighter out of their range. "WHOOOOOOO!!!" Poe yelled and startled you at first, but made you laugh.
"LEFT!" He shouted and took a quick upside travel headed away from the next group. After you had gotten through, we cheered at your victory.

Y/N, you are my type of woman!" Poe winked as you just blushed.

Sorry it took a while!

Been so busy with school and work its hard to focus on just Wattpad on weekdays but I'll keep updating!!

Thank you for your votes! Keep 'em comin!!!

Love you guys❤️❤️
-K. G.

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