Chapter 5

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"Breaking News, the search for the terrorist group that attacked John F. Kennedy airport has little to no chance to figure out who they are," the news anchor said, "and now the President Chad has a few words."

"Good morning, this attack on American soil probably was the worst attack, since 9/11, but we stand today together and strong. We will always stand in the face of danger, but we will always get back on our feet," he said, "Now, about the search, we have made great progress, and we also will not stop till..." he stopped because one of his security detachments stops the president.

"Excuse me Mr. President, Chancellor Burks is in The White House, in the bunker, he is expecting you," as the detachment said this. The president then turned to the conference to inform them he was going to leave for an important meeting.

"I can see your attack failed completely, Mr. President," said Hunter, "but, you did put Special Agent Ezparza in a dreadful coma," he said grinning his sinister grin.

"Trust me, you cannot do any better than I could. Besides I united the country didn't I?" Chad Atkins said with a glass of red wine in his hand.

"You know the master said you were worth the trouble, but I have been proven wrong. Also, you think I can't kill someone?" he then pulled a pistol from his pants and shot one of Atkins security detail.

"What on God's green Earth are you doing?" screamed Atkins.

"I am only proving a point, but you need to still prove yours. Now, my helicopter is here. I'll see you in one week. That is one week to kill Andres while he's in coma. If you can't do that," he said this as he chuckled, "well let's not talk about that. You see the man on the floor, that's you if you don't pull it off," as he left towards the helicopter he radioed Mr. Geissler, "Mr. Geissler one week from now you're going to kill President Atkins."

"Understood, where do you want me to set up?" said Dennis Geissler, Australian mercenary for hire.

"Set up position at the closest hotel to the White House," said Hunter Burks.

"So, how am I going to kill the President?" he asked.

"You'll see, trust me," Burks said, "Now, please excuse me, I'm going to take a twelve hour flight to China, and I need my rest" he said while hanging up.

"Wow, how am I going to kill the most protected person in the world?" Dennis asked himself while cleaning his rifle.


"Hey, Andres, it's Alex," she said to Andres, who was badly burned and in extremely bad shape, "I, you know, want to know what happened that day in you know Korea."

He said nothing, just the sound of the machines keeping him alive, and showing his body's heart beat and heart rate. He looked as calm as a baby. Cold, heartless, dark machines that couldn't say a thing, or couldn't make Andres say a thing, but Alex waited everyday for the past month to hear his voice again.

"I always wandered if you had a girlfriend, if you ever told her about your job, do you have a house, can you hear me, or am I just talking to know one?" she talked aloud.

"Alex? Is that you?" Andres said his eyes slowly opening, "I, I can't feel my fingers."

Alex then put her hands around his hands, and put her head on his chest, "Yes, it's me." She smiled, but then she heard some noises outside. As she opened the door a sedative dart landed on her neck, instantly making Alex pass out. She then saw Andres overwhelmed by five men. They stuck a syringe down the side of his neck. He squirmed for a couple of seconds before completely stopping. It seemed like the life was sucked out of him by Death itself.

Alex wanted to scream for help, but all her nerves were paralyzed. All she could do was cry, as water filled her eyes; a tear flowed down her cheek, onto the cold ceramic floor. She closed her eyes, going into a deep sleep, and as she closed her eyes, she heard loads of gunfire, and screaming.


The hospital hallways completely quite and the hospital lights flickering here and there; Alex awoke in a hospital bed feeling very weak. She was unable to move, her hands and legs were bound to the bed Andres was in.

"Hello Alex, don't struggle, the sedative is still taking hold of your body. I don't have long, so I'm going to need you to trust me," said an unknown figure.

Alex couldn't tell who he was, everything was still fuzzy. She asked him who he was. He responded with saying he was a friend.

"Why am I tied up?" asked Alex.

"Well, the men that attacked you left you unconscious, so I tied you up to make sure when you awoke, you wouldn't attack me. Your track record shows you are extremely violent when you are put in 'certain' situations. Like the New York and Cuba situations. You are a troublemaker Alex, and I would have to put you down," the man smirked, "but that's not why I'm here. I need to trust you and you need to trust me.

"What are you talking about?" asked Alex curiously.

"Do you trust me?" he said very sternly.

She thought long and hard, could she trust him, his voice sounded very familiar, so she then told the man, "I trust you."

"Okay, I've run out of time meet at this location at 8 AM, Saturday, sit at the table on the right corner at the Café Santiago of 26th street," said the man, "I'll tell you everything there." The man then handed Alex a slip of paper of the location. He then pulled a knife from his belt, and cut the straps off of Alex's arms and legs. He then helped her up.

"Where are we?" she asked, "This doesn't look like a hospital?"

"My house, well technically my bunker," he said this while putting a sedative in her arm, "Remember the location."

She then fell into another deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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