Chapter 1

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In a facility filled with stashes of weapons. Agent Patterson, who lost her fiancé in a firefight with Daquan and his goons, had tracked him here. Covered in camouflage gear, Alex stared at the facility though binoculars and stayed in the shades.

"Agent Patterson to HQ, the facility is covered in Daquan's goons," said Alex while looking at a necklace of her and Jackson. It was raining hard, and as lighting struck across the sky Alex knew it was her time. This was her time for revenge.

"Hello, this is HQ. Is Seal Team 6 there yet?" asked an operator.

"The Seal team's here," Alex said as lightning raced across the sky, which showed the outlines of the Seal team's bodies and weapons. The dots on the Seal Team's NVG's made them look like they were something in your closet. The thing is they were much worse.

As they came closer to Alex, Alex saw Jackson. She saw Jackson's face on one of them as one of them took off their NVG. She looked away because she was going to cry.

"Ma'am, are you all right. Ma'am?" asked the captain of the team, Captain Brandon.

"Brandon? I haven't seen you since Tori and I hung out. How is she?" Alex asked while clearing her eyes.

"We split a while back, while you were searching for Daqaun. I'm sorry for your loss, I knew him while we were kids," he said, "So, how many hostiles are there?"

Alex handed him the binoculars and began to speak, "You might want to look yourself."

Brandon took the binoculars; he looked at the large compound and analyzed it for a while. When he looked at his team he signaled them to surround the compound.

"Alex, there are approximately 50-60 insurgents. My twelve man team, thirteen including you, are going to attack from all sides," said Brandon to Alex.

"There are too many. How are we supposed to accomplish this, it's impossible?" asked Alex.

"That's why I joined the Seals, we do the impossible," Brandon smiled at her. He then led her through the jungle. Everything was wet, everything was dangerous. They had to rely on their senses.

Getting closer to the facility, they had to focus on not being detected by the foot patrols.

"Brandon, I mean Captain Qui. When we enter the facility, please let me kill Daqaun. Its not revenge, its justice for what he did," she said holding her pistol around her waist.

Brandon then put his hand on top of her pistol, "You don't want revenge, and believe me. When I was in Iraq, after 9-11, my best friend and I signed up for the army. We were stationed there for three months. It went smoothly until the last week, Taliban surrounded our compound, they attacked with RPG's and machine guns," he stopped and looked at a picture of Xander and him. He handed the picture to Alex, "It was so early. Xander was on watch, and when I went to the watchtower. He was dead. The top of his body completely blown off."

"So, I picked up his weapon and shot at the Taliban, at first I was scared, but every single one I killed I smiled. I killed all of them," he said this to Alex, she looked horrified.

"When I came State side, all I wanted to do was go back. Tori helped me a lot, she was the only reason I got better," he started tearing up.

"But, she broke up with me. I drank and became a loser. I missed the feeling of killing. That's the reason I joined the seals. I wanted to kill, but the seals made me think otherwise. They made me want to help, these are my brothers. I would risk my..." he then stood up and pushed Alex to the ground with his hand over her mouth, "Shh."

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