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"What?" The prince exclaims, surprised.
"I don't want to kill you." I repeat. "King Karsen needs to go, and I think you'd make a good King."
"I agree" the Prince says just loud enough so I can hear.
"Please, let me go." I say and jump to the next building.
"Wait, Safi." Caspar says.
I turn to look towards him.
He is crouched down on the rooftop, white shirt now brown and torn. His face is covered in cuts, bruises and mud.

\\ || //

"Let me come too." I say.
The words just spill out of my mouth; I did not expect to say them, to Safi of all people, but I mean them.
"I may have been sent to kill you, but I have no intention of doing so."
Safi rolls his eyes, "I see what you're doing, convincing me to trust you, let you follow me, so on, and then you kill me. That trick's not going to work on me, prince."
I open my mouth to explain that that's not my plan at all, but Safi continues and I don't interrupt.
"Run along. Go back to your castle and tell them you lost me or whatever. You're the heir to the throne, they'll get over it."
Safi turns and starts to walk away.
I stand and leap onto the building she stands on. I land very lightly, almost silent, but Safi hears and the next thing I know, I am cornered once again.
"Safi, let me exp-" he cuts me off again.
"What part of 'go home' do you not understand?" She whispers angrily.
"I have no home until you are dead." I whisper back, timidly.
Safi's eyes are big now, scared.
"I don't want to kill you. I want to come with you. Please."
Safi looks me in the eyes for evidence of lying. I stare right back.
His face is so close to mine that we're almost touching.
"Fine." He finally answers.
"But I trust no one."
I stand as Safi lowers his sword and turns.
"One last thing, just a warning." He says, still not facing me.
"Misgender me and you're as dead as the executioner."
And then he is off, and all I can do is follow.

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