5: The First Battle

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Stampys pov

I was awoken by an earsplitting BANG!
"What the hell was that?!"
I immediately turned on my go-pro and put on my helmet.
"What happened!?" David whispered,
"Did something blow up?" I suggested, before looking up.. I had never been as scared.
I looked up in the sky, to see the black outline of a jet, then an orange sparkle slowly coming down.
"BOMB!" I yelled, covering my head. All I heard were screams before blacking out.


"My father saw so many things I would never even dream of seeing. He never told a lie yet he never told the truth.. He was so funny.."
"Look at us Stamps.. Look at what we have done.. Look at what happened..."
"You only happen once.. Enjoy this happening.."

I opened my eyes, coughing, I saw masses of people running and a hole in the ground. My go-pro was still recording, and I was being lifted.
"Stamps, your up. C'mon we have to go."
I ran, aware that the video was still recording, but I didn't care.
"Joe follow Amy!" James shouted, I looked around for Amy. I saw her long black hair swished down in front of me.
"Netty?!" I called,
"I'm right here," Netty came from behind me,
"You alright Netts?"
"I'm fine, save your breath."
I nodded, inhaling through my nose, exhaling through my mouth.
"You guys- follow me!" It was John.
Ash, David, Amy, James, Netty, Tom and I followed him into a forest.
"You're Joe right?" John said,
"yes, captain." I replied,
"Good, what are all of your names?"
"Amy." Amy said,
"Ash." He repeated all of our names to aid his memorisation.
"I'm John, okay let's go."
We followed him into a trench.
"So this is an old trench from the Second World War- it's not safe here, but we can use it for now." John said, we climbed in the trench.
"You can see them if you peek your heads over- the seekers."
I slowly put my head up, in the distance I saw red sparks of gunshots and canons.
"Why attack now?" Amy asked,
"We'd be sleeping," David responded,
"They like to attack when we don't expect it, they get the most kills." John said,
"Who even are they?" James asked,
"The Seekers? That's the thing, we don't know. It's not a specific country or religion, just a large group of people, massive, over a million. We just don't know who these people are, where they come from or anything about them. At least in the world wars we knew who we were up against." John said.
"Anyway, enough of that, let's get to it. Get your guns out."
My heart tensed, I was going to kill someone. I was actually going to kill someone.
I grabbed my sniper. David was already taking aim.
"Y'all full of bullets?"
"Yes cap'n," we replied,
We took aim, then fired.
We then started to get fired at, so we ducked.
"They're going over the top." Ash said, I looked, yes, In fact at least fifty people had ran over the top towards us,
"Shit, what do we do?" We looked to John,
"Have me in your ear," John said, we turned on our radios and programmed it so we could all hear each other.
"Right, split up, but not too far away. I'll shoot from behind." He said,
" 'Kay, yes captain." I felt terrified. I then remembered I was on camera.  I looked up at it, with a scared face.
"If I put all the fear I've ever hand in all my videos combined, I'd be a fraction of how scared I am now." I whispered to the camera.
I looked through my binoculars to see ahead, it was clear to the point where almost everyone was.
Some people went in to attack the seekers, John started shooting at them and we went over the top.
"Come on come on come on!" I yelled, climbing up.
I was now aware that the camera could also pick up what I heard from everyone in my ear,
"I'll go up front, Tom you have my back," ash said,
"Right." Tom replied,
"Amy you alright?" I asked,
"It's not exactly a loves it, moment is it?" She replied, I would have laughed but I was too afraid. I liked Amy, I used to really like her. But those times were long gone, she really was just a friend. And a good one at that.
"Joe, go left," David said, "Netty, Amy, stay in the centre, take care of yourselves."
I reached out of my bag and retrieved my bullet proof shield.
I hid behind it. I was terrified when it was shot at.
I muted myself from the other radios so I could speak to the camera."
"That could have been me dead.. Oh my god." I brought out my rifle, and put it towards my face,
"I'll keep going, but if you are in that other side, tell me.. Just tell us.. Who are you?!" I pointed my rifle at the Seekers, narrowed my eyes, then pulled the trigger.
I saw someone drop dead.
I covered my mouth, a tear fell from my eye.
"I just.. I- no.." I looked up at my camera then unmuted myself to the rest of the gang,
"Well done Joe," John said,
"No it's not its.. I just ended someone's life!"
"We'll make it for a reason, Joe,"
"I'm a murderer..." I sighed,
"Listen if your going into this war and you can't kill someone you may as well not be here." John argued,
"I'm sorry.." I said.
"Alright, Joe, take the run up." James said,
"Right, see that bush over there? I'll try getting to there." I said, looking back at James  and pointed to it. He nodded.
"It's all or nothing." I sighed, before taking my shield and running as fast as was humanly possible for me to run.
It took about 20 seconds for me to reach the bush, I was constantly being shot at.
"Holy shit." David exclaimed,
"Stamps I'll go and join you." David said,
"Stamps?" John questioned,
"Oh, it's a nickname- sorry." David replied,
"Oh right. Weird name." John replied,
"Right, be careful David, be as fast as you can." John said,
"G'luck." Tom said.
We held our breath as David ran over to me.
He was constantly being shot at,
"Shit shit shit shit.." He skidded behind the bush to safety with me.
"Christ, David! Are you alright?" I captured him in my view.
"Gaagh.." He moaned, "my leg."
"You alright David?" John asked,
"Yeh, just, cut my leg, stone."
"Right we'll fix it when we get back to safety. Can you walk?"
"Yeh, just.. Not fast."
"Alright well you'll have to make an effort, James, Ash, Amy, Tom, keep the coast clear, Joe guard David,"
"Yes captain." I said. The others had their guns ready.
"Netty, tend to David immediately, avoid infection."
"Okay." She said.
I got up, guarded by my bullet proof shield, I helped David up. The others shot at the Seekers.
I backed up, with David In front of me. We eventually reached the trench.
"You alright, mate." I said,
"Yeh.." He limped to the ground where Netty grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around his bleeding leg. She then gave him some painkillers and applied cream,
"His is apparently supposed to make your leg feel better in 24 hours."
"We don't have 24 hours.. We've got like two till dawn." David complained,
"It's the best I can do." Netty said.
I continued to shoot over the top. I killed a few, dying inside for everyone.
Collectively, all the groups eventually got rid of almost every seeker there, in exchange for a few people in our other groups.

We lay down in a cave in the trench. Wrapped up in blankets.
I stopped recording from my go-pro and took out my phone.
"Well done for today guys, good work. Hope that leg gets better David." John said, before going to sleep in another den.
I then started recording on my phone,
"Hi guys, so we had an attack today. We're now in an old trench. Today was.. Mad. Really.. It was just awful." I took a couple breaths before my eyes started watering again.
"Oh my god.." I covered my eyes, Amy put her hand on my shoulder.
"Squid.. He got his leg badly injured," I filmed him with his bloody bandage.
"I wasn't shot! Don't worry! I was just sort of.. Dodging it. " we silently laughed.
"No one else was really hurt I suppose.."
"Well you were, when the first bomb came you were knocked out." James said,
"Well.. It didn't hurt it just sort of... Happened." I admitted,
"Well you were blown up in the air, you could have concussion." Netty said, checking my head.
"I'm fine, Nets." I moaned,
"Mm.... Little lump here, should be alright."
"Okay, well I'm gonna ring Sqaishey then I'm gonna hit he hay."
"Bye!" Everyone said.
I stopped recording and phoned Beth,
"Hey, Beth." I said, "sorry for wakening you up,"
"N-no no it's fine, it's only 2am."
"Well we had a bit of an incident.."
"What happened?"

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