31: Preparation

119 9 5

Davids POV

Today was a long day, we spent hours packing things away. I cleared up the hall and the kitchen then I walked into my office.
I hadn't been in my office for about 3 years,
It was also completely untouched. I wiped the think dust from my keyboard and monitor.
I saw all my squid things, my plushies my cut-outs my fan art and all the things I had been given.
I just sat down on my seat and all of a sudden I felt upset, nostalgic and lonely.
I turned on my computer and waited for about three minutes before I could log in.
I still had a video ready to upload, it was just a mini game but I decided to upload it anyway.
It took 10 minutes before it got one view, after that hundreds of people watched and I got a few comments, wondering why I had suddenly come back.
I took a few deep breaths before searching the username 'Finnball' on YouTube.
He had deleted it.
I then resulted to searching his second channel name, "Finnvlogs."
That was still online.
But it had no new videos, therefore no new clues as to what was going on with him.
I switched off my computer for what was to be the last time, and unplugged them and put them into a cardboard box.
After about half an hour my office was completely empty, all that was left was a few post-it notes and a tin whistle on the ground. I stuffed them back in the box, remembering when I played the tin whistle in the adventure map which Stampy, Finnball and I did. It made me think to myself if Finnball was really bad? or was he just.. Changed..

I stopped thinking about these things when Nicole walked in beside me,
"Wow.. You've been productive." She said, gazing around my empty room. "This been hard for you?" We sat on a box beside each other,
"A bit-" Nicole pulled out a piece of fan art from the box, it was a sheet with me, ash and Amy on it for Attack of the B team.
"Sorry.." Nicole whispered in my ear, she put an arm around me and comforted me, I heard the door open I couldn't bare to look up, it was the children, they looked at their mother and me and went quiet, before tip-toeing up to me and starting to poke me and Nicole, they held a big piece of paper.
"Hey sweeties.." Nicole said, I lifted my head and wiped my eyes, they gave us a card, staring at me,
"Are you okay?" Rosie asked,
I nodded.
I opened the card with Nicole, a smile brightened my face when I saw their drawings, they had scribbled things which looked like people to them and scribbled the words "mom" even though we brought them up in Britain and "bab" as they had trouble with their 'd's and 'b's as every toddler has.
"What happened to the blue drawings and toys in here?" James asked,
"They're in a box, ready to go- we will put them back up in our new house." Nicole said,
"What about Angel Toms room?" Rosie asked, a tear dropped down from my face,
"I- I'll clean it up." I said, noticing Nicole looking at me. She gave a blank smile before I stood up and hugged Rosie and James.
"Thank you so much for the card- we'll keep it forever." This made the children happy, I walked out of the room and prepared myself for Toms bedroom.
I opened the oak door, it was cold in here, but tolerable.
I took the sheets off Toms bed and put them in the bin, concluding that it wasn't worth keeping these things. His microphone. Binned. His laptop, his bed, his computer.. All gone.. His pen drive... This had all of his video memory in it.
I took my keys from my pocket and attached it as a key-ring.
I looked at Toms room in a sentimental way, but closed the door. It was just a room.
Then to my old office, it was already cleared, to my newer office, it was also clear, and the kids' rooms were being cleared.
I tidied up the kitchen, with help from Nicole. The children wouldn't remember this place when they grew up.
They will want to, but they won't.

I brought out my camera and took pictures of every room, and what it looked like from the outside. So if they ever wanted to know what.. What happened, where they lived, they could, they could just look at the photographs.

I wasn't so sure about keeping on the whole YouTube thing. I thought maybe about doing one video a month or doing vlogs now and then, I was never sure quite what to do.
"Nicole?" I began,
"About the whole.. Wedding thing. When? When will we do it?"
"I don't know.. December?"
"December? That's only a few months away. Most couples wait like a year."
"Most couples."
"Where'd you wanna go on our honeymoon?" I asked, putting my arms around her waist.
"Somewhere.. Different. Like South Africa, or Australia. But with just me and you, for most of it anyway, we can meet up with some people afterwards."
"We could go for a trip in the Southern Hemisphere. Like South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia.. We could go anywhere you like."
"Where would the kids stay? If we go away for like a month?" Nicole bit her lip, wondering.
"Your parents, my parents?" She suggested,
"I suppose that could work."  I said, picturing the bright seas and the sunsets.

Within two hours the wedding was booked, then our honeymoon was booked, we would start off flying first class, all the way to South Africa for two weeks, then to Australia for another week, then to New Zealand. We would then fly from there to Singapore and from there back to London. I was so ready for this!

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