14: Hide or Seek

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Stampys POV

Months after James' death, we still lay in the stuffy base. Just the three of us.
Amy, Ash, Tom, Netty and James were all Dead. What was 8 was now 3.
I could vlog about life, but there wasn't a life here worth living.
Any life.. Any life.
We sat bored. The place stank of death. We had moved James into a cellar at the other end of the giant trench, but it still stank.
The stench of each other's unwashed bodies made the atmosphere humid and sickly.

We didn't speak much.
I had the odd chat with David and greeting with John. Apart from that we did little else until David turned a conversation,
"I wonder if Nicole has had her baby." I gave a smile,
"You should text her." I suggested,
"I would if I could.." He sighed, "I think we should go up." David said,
"It's been months since it happened, and we're all bored stupid waiting here for.. Someone to rescue us!" I explained,
"It takes a while for the toxicity to die down... But I suppose that the gas masks should be able to take it now.." John sighed, "but I'm going up first."
I gave a little smile, we were on the move again. But I could feel the end coming.
I was still haunted by what I heard in the abandoned Subway station about "Mr Spencer".

I reached into my bag, searching for a gas mask. It was basically a modern version of the things we saw in the history books.
I put mine on, fastening the straps so they were tight.
"Mine tight enough?" David asked John, John asked him to move his head up and down, backwards and forwards. Davids mask kept on sturdily. As did mine.
We slowly lifted the roof. John looked about, giving us the thumbs up that it was clear.
We slowly made our way out of the base, closing the trap door behind us.
We followed John out of the forest, into the open. There was a gigantic hole in the clearing, something had blown up there.
We scampered across the ground into the clearing, guns at the ready. I feared my skills were rusty. I then remembered my go-pro. I turned it on at the helmet, since our radios were no longer of use, I decided to talk to it.
"Hi everyone, it's been a long journey, physically and emotionally. We don't know where the other groups have gone, but it's just us two now, David and me.. Or squid or whatever." I didn't bother calling them by their character names. "I'm.. I'm not afraid anymore. To be honest I feel careless and dead. I don't know what I'm doing, or why I'm here. I don't know who I'm fighting or who I'm-" all of a sudden masses of seekers appeared from the top of the hill.
"Run!" John called, running back towards the stinking base.
"Won't they know where we're going?!"
"Huh.. Dunno....." I looked behind me to see hundreds of people from our side running and attacking the Seekers.
"Jesus Christ- let's help them." David yelled.
We switched our ways, running up behind the rest of our team.
"Right guys- we've never done face to face battle before. Basically, if you can't use your gun, use your knife don't worry about too many of the people around you, remember to duck, jump and be flexible, okay?!" John yelled at us,
"Yes captain!" We shouted back in reply, running at the Seekers to try and reveal their true identity.

We were at the bottom of the hill, it was dusk, the sun was setting. Making it difficult for us to see.
Seekers came rushing down, one man jumped on John, he quickly shot the man in the face. I stood in shock, before shaking myself out of it getting ready to fight.
A man jumped in me, I immediately went for the throat, shooting him there, then on the forehead. He was dead. I felt sick inside.
More came and I got used to killing them as people on my team collapsed to the ground, dead.
I had killed about eight when one person ran up to me, I went to shoot him, before realising he was wearing a slightly different uniform.
"I'm the leader, can't just kill me like that with a bullet to my face."
My eyes widened, this was the.. Leader?
I quickly knocked off his hat, strange, I recognised the voice.
"Hey I know you!" The man said, I definitely knew him.
"Stampylongnose. Ain't ya, mate?" He was American, he was.. No.. I looked at the mans face, recognising the man completely as Finn Ball.
"No.." I stood back in shock, "why has this been all a secret?!" I hissed,
"Because that's what us Seekers do! They consist of most of my close and clever fans, my friends, and some people who join for the sake of it."
"You won't get away with this!" I pulled out my gun but he pulled it away from me. I kicked his stomach, Finn pulled back, winded.
I reached out for my knife, I aimed for his throat.
This was for the lies.
This was for the hatred.
This was for Amy, for Ash for Tom for Netty and for James.
This was for us, for Davids baby, for Beth and for my family and for Johns daughter.
I found myself crying.
"What does your wife think of this?!" I yelled,
"My wife is dead!" He shouted back at me, my eyes widened even more, she was so kind..
"What 'bout your kids!" I yelled in anticipation.
"Gone too!"
Now he has nothing to live for, nothing to die for.
No one will be upset.
I grabbed my knife, Finn fell to the floor, I jumped on top of him, Finn growled. I pressed my knife up against his throat, grinding my teeth.
"O- old friend.. I.. I surrender. "
"I'm under orders to just kill you!" I growled back,
"You can't kill me.. R..remember when we went on holidays together? With Amy, Rosie, Squid and the gang?"
"Amy is dead." I replied, glaring at him. I shook my head, he was trying to mix with my emotions.
Finnball rolled back, covering his face with a white flag.
I pulled him back before I dug the knife into his throat.

He didn't suffer much. He yelled and screamed but little more. Little more did I care.
This war was over, if he was who started it. 
But what I did agitated all of the seekers.
One looked at me and looked at my feet where Finn lay,
So many others turned their heads towards me,  before charging.
"Joe run! Run!" David yelled, John turned his head to face me but was attacked.
I ran, I ran as fast as I could. Back down the hill towards the forest, I kept running, running, past the base, past where Amy and Ash died those many many months ago, I ran as fast as I could, through the woods, bullets getting fired from behind me, often hitting trees. I shouted to my go-pro one final time,
"IM ENDING STAMPYS STORY HERE! THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN RUNNING, RUNNING FOR DEAR BITTER SWEET LIFE. IN THE END ALL LIVES HAVE TO END, NO MATTER HOW BORING OR HOW INTERESTING THEY ARE." I was running out of breath, my strides were shorter, "you only happen once kids.." I breathed, "enjoy. This.."
I blacked out.

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