Chapter 2

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You sit down at your desk right before the bell rings. With a sigh of relief, you put your belongings down by your desk. Your first period science teacher, Mr.Retsc, came into the class and got everyone's attention. "We are going to have a review test for your semester exams next week. I'll also be giving you a packet that is due next Wednesday, the day day before the exam."

He may seem a bit strict, but Mr.Retsc helps you a lot. Whether in school or private life, he comforts you any way possible. You sigh as you think about all the work you're going to do for the next week.

"-is transferring in today. Why don't you introduce yourself?" You come back to reality and sit up. You stare at the boy standing in front of the classroom. No way....your mind goes blank. A mix of emotions wash over you.

"Hi. I'm Orion Trens. I'm 16, turning 17 next week. I love cats, dogs, bunnies, books....I have many things I treasure. I love making new friends too, so I'm looking forward to working with you! Let's have a nice year!"

The blonde hair, brown eyes, that cheerful've seen this somewhere before. Orion. Orion Trens. The name triggered something, something loving, yet frightening. But you are unable to think what it could be. Looking around the room, you see many girls whisper saying, "Isn't he hot?" And "I want to talk to him, what will I do?" And so on.

Orion slightly bowed down to Mr.Retsc and walked down the aisle. He stops at a seat in front of you. Then asks, "Is this seat taken?" His heavenly energetic voice rings through your head. You realize he has been standing there long enough and quickly say, " Y-yes. Go ahead." You blush and look away.

You look out the window and notice something. You look at Orion again. You could have sworn you saw Orion's right eye turn purple, but it was too ridiculous. You shake off the thought of it.

So?.....How was it? Okay, so I might not be the best writer. Oh well.... Ugh, my semester exams are tomorrow....and the day after tomorrow. Why?.....( - ~ -) .....Not the best chapter, since it's only the beginning, but I'll update sooner or later. Thanks if you like this story. Reactions might not be like you, but you know how these work. It's basically you, but not you.( > u < )?

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