Chapter 13

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You jumped on your bed after a warm shower, thinking about Orion in the hospital. How will things change? And there's still so much you didn't know about him. You curl up in your blanket and look at your phone. 9:42pm. You role through your past text messages with Orion.

Is he going to forget these too?

Reality stabbed into your heart more and more as you think about all those memories you and Orion had made together. You let out a sigh, and without knowing, tears were already rolling down your cheeks. You cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning, you went to the hospital. Bringing food ,books, extra clothes, and anything else Orion might need. You go to the hospital that is 15 minutes away from your house. Once you get there, you told the register lady that you are visiting Orion Trens.

"It's alright to visit him right now, but he has a visitor at the moment. A young lady also visited him a while ago... Her name was... Lis? Lisa? Lasi? Well, if you don't know her, please sit on those of those chairs." She said.

You reply quickly that you do know Lisa , and she walks you to the room Orion was in. The lady left. You open the door and just as you expected, Lisa was there. But what you didn't know what was going to happen is that she is KISSING Orion. You run to her and grab her by the arm and yanking her up. You give a good slap on her left cheek.

"Haha. You have the perfect timing ever don't you, [Name]?" Lisa said while smiling.

You wanted to shout out all your anger but the nurses and doctors would come. "What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend?" You solidly say. Lisa doesn't answer. She simply got her stuff and went out. You couldn't do anything about it...Well,yes,you slapped her and wanted to "kill" her, but anymore of that and it could lead to danger for Orion. Your heart broke knowing you couldn't do anything for him.

You went over to Orion and pulled up a chair. You hold his hand. Setting your head down, you admired his cute sleeping face. Slowly, your eyes closed and you went into a nap.

Aish....REALLY sorry...I haven't posted in like 3 months. You can get angry and shout at me...T^T It's just that...I didn't feel like it. I also had to study last week and this week for tests and that History DBA. I'm also trying to draw better and have some stuff to do for school still...even over spring break. But it's my choice. Rather do them sooner than cram them in later. Since its Spring Break, hopefully I can get some chapters in...maybe. Well, one week should be enough to do at least 2? Right?...Well, imma enjoy my week of spring break and forget all about school(not a good idea but I don't care). Well, I AM creating this story randomly. There ISNT a story line I planned out(maybe the general idea but not much). It's just whatever comes to mind. So...knowing that...sorry if I leave out some details, information, and sorry if it seems choppy. I try to retread the past chapter or two to remember where I left off though. Well, bye!~

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