Chapter 9

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  Once you got home, your mom was no where to be found. A note on the table read, "I'll be coming home a little late today! Need to work, then go buy those groceries. Love you sweety!~". You cringe a little at the word sweety but you also like it at the same time. A sense of comfort. You go to your room and open your closet. T shirts took up like 98% of your closet with only 3 dresses. Since it was a date, you went for a dress.

  Or should I.... You put down the turquoise dress thinking it was too obvious that you were happy to go. Wait, when did I start changing this much.... Thoughts go through your head and you snap back into reality again. Seeing that a t shirt was too plain and dress to obvious, you went with a white sweater like shirt with black sleeves and sky blue embedding on the right side spelling out "Power" and a black skirt that went a couple of inches above the knee. You go fix your hair in the bathroom, slightly curling the ends of your hair and putting on a little bit of makeup here and there, so it wouldn't be too obvious.

Time went by a little faster than you thought and before you know it, the doorbell rang. You check yourself in the mirror one last time and,not forgetting your phone and small black purse, go to the front door. You smile as you see Orion in a white t shirt that shows his collarbone, checkered red and black shirt tied to his waist, and dark blue jeans. And a bonus, he has his blondeish hair down, hair strands going towards his left. He looks so innocent and sweet in it.

He must've seen you were staring cause he pecks you on the forehead. "You look prettier so I should be the one staring. Ready?"
You nod and you and Orion go down the street. Walking in a breeze with bright green leaves hanging over on the right side. The scenery was like from a movie. Hands brushing against each other, Orion decides to hold your left hand. Warmth goes through your fingertips to all the way to your heart. Fuzzy and warmth. Comfort. It was what you needed.

Then you hear music, voices of people, and see things full of color ahead. You and Orion go through the entrance and it was so lively. Orion looks at you and smiles so brightly, "Let's go [Name]! Where do you want to go first?" You look at all the rides and places to go. "How about a roller coaster?"

"Waaaah. You are brave aren't you?" He says with a smile. You straighten your back and tippy toe to look stronger. Orion laughs at that and both of you head to the rollercoster named Fast and Ferious(idk if it's an actual name). Both you pick seats and the ride starts. A sudden breeze of air hits you in the face as the ride starts. Slowly going up....and up....and up....and up...The creaking of wheels pause, indicating you were at the top. Orion holds your hands and....

"WOOOOOOO! YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" People scream, either of joy and cause they're terrified. Orion yells too and you scream with him. Through loops and turns with a fast rate, after a minute or so, the ride stops. You feel a little dizzy, but Orion was having a blast, "That was awesome right!?"

You smile seeing him so happy. Orion helps you out of your seat. You both go to an open area with tables. "Wait here, I'll go get snow cones." You sit under the umbrella, avoiding the now blazing sun which was covered with clouds a few minutes ago. Orion comes back with snow cones in cups and a small spoon. " Cherry for you and lemon for me!"

You shrug not caring since you just need something cold to eat or drink. Orion scoops some of his ice and holds it out to you, "Aaahhhh" You open your mouth and let him give you the shaved ice. You do the same and both of you laugh.

"Orion?" A voice says from behind you. A girl that was the definition of beautiful comes up. Her brown hair and bold brown eyes, he figure and her makeup, her fashion, all of it. Simply.Perfection. Even the strands in her hair seem to be set accordingly. Orion lifts his head up from you to her and his eyes suddenly change.

"Oh come on Orion, you remember me right? Lisa? The one who went out with you in 8th grade? For a year."
Orion shots a glance at you making sure you aren't surprised. But you aren't....that's a lie. Who is she? How do they know each other? She is pretty though....Does Orion like her? Questions revolve around your head.

Orion stands up and grabs your wrist, trying to pull you away from her. "What? Scared? Don't worry, I'm done with my punishments already." Orion whirls around at her and gives her a glare. Again, purple eyes? "Oh, so I see you still have those eyes of yours." She giggles and you feel anxious. Anxious to know what the heck is going on.

Orion's words sound bold saying "Don't you even dare. Don't hurt me, nor [Name] here." Yet, even as he says that, there was a slight shaky tone to it. You stand there awkwardly and Lisa comes up to you. "I bet you would hate me. Even to the point where you would even kill me, but it will be a crime. Do you know what I've done to Orion? It was so much fun though. Watching Orion suffer from lose of his friends, how he cried because he was lonely. I was the one there for him, yet I was the one who shattered him as well."

Your eyes widen as she speaks and a burning feeling wells inside of you. "Oh, but you can't complain can you, you were the one who made him like that first." Your emotions were all mixed now, not knowing what to think.

Orion tugged you into his arms, "It's okay. Don't listen to her. I'll explain later so please...Please just trust me on this."
Tears form in your eyes but you nod anyway. He leads you away from Lisa, trying for the second time. Orion gives a glare at Lisa once again.

Lisa stood their, grinning about this whole situation., school has been such a pain but here's an update. At least...I attempted to. Not rereading for mistakes so sorry if there are any. Have to get 3 cavity fillings tomorrow.T^T wish me luck cause I'm going to regret not brushing my teeth longer. Story and plot...I'm just going off from last chapter, so I probably already forgot some stuff at beginning. Sorry. Just loving EXO, NCT, BTS, GOT7, Shinee, etc etc etc etc. rn. Yesterday was Zhang Yixing's birthday too! And mine at that. Well, gtg catch those kdramas.😂

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