Chapter 19

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After eating with Orion, he walked you home and apologized once more for the misunderstanding. You text Rica to open the door to not disturb anyone else inside.

"[Name], it's 10:59pm... When I said be here before 11pm I didn't mean a minute earlier... You could've been here like an hour ago."

Rica sounded tired and sleepy. Most of the lights were out in the house, with a lamp or two on. You took a quick shower and plopped onto Rica's bed. Rica was already sleeping by the time you made yourself comfortable in the blanket. You let out a deep sigh.
The plans for tomorrow... I'll make up for the lost time with her tomorrow.

Your eyes gave in and your mind went off into wonderland.

~~Time Skip~~

The next day, you woke up to find Rica still sleeping. You looked at the clock and it was 7:07am. You got up and started getting ready for the day. Once you were finished eating a quick breakfast, dressing up, and checking if you looked alright, you woke up Rica who was still sleeping. "Rica, hey, wake up it's already 9 in the morning."

She covered her head with her blanket. You pulled off the blanket. Rica was acting a bit weird. Here she is the person who woke up early a day ago just to dump a cup of water on your face. You touched her forehead with the back of your hand. "Omg Rica you have a fever?" You quickly put the blanket on her again and went to get medicine in the refrigerator. "Let's see...fever...fever..." You mumbled while trying to look for the right medicine. You found it.

There wasn't anyone else home except you and Rica. The house was awfully quiet. You look through the refrigerator to find food but there were only ingredients to make food. You decided to make porridge. First you went to Rica's room and asked permission. "Rica, can I use your kitchen?" Rica waved her hand which you took for a yes. You went back to the refrigerator and pulled out small tomatoes for Rica to eat separately if she wanted to. You then go and prepare porridge.

After you were done, you got a small bowl and spoon and filled the bowl with porridge. Being careful not to spill, you went back to Rica's room with her medicine. You tried to sit her up. "Try to eat this. You can have your medicine after eating that." She sat up and ate the porridge. "I'm sorry [Name]...If only I hadn't waited for you-"

"You waited for me?" This was the first time you were hearing this. "......yes... I went out of the restaurant because I got a call from my mom to be careful at night and all, but when I came back it seemed like you were having fun with Orion...I thought it wouldn't take that long so I waited at the front. After awhile, I just went home, grabbing food from Subway..."

You felt sorry for Rica. Rica set the bowl down on the small cabinet. "It's not your fault [Name]. It was my fault for staying out in the cold." You hugged her. "I'm sorry, Rica." She patted your head. "Let's go shopping and to that cafe another day. You can go with Orion today." You shook your head. How could you possibly leave a sick person by themselves? You gave Rica the medicine and left the room for her to rest. You lay down on the couch and turned on the tv. Before long, you drifted off into a nap.

~~Time Skip~~

You were woken up by an unlocking door. Rica's mom came in. "Oh, [Name], weren't you going to go with shopping with Rica today?" "She caught a fever. And sorry for using your kitchen." "It's alright." Rica's mom went to her own room and settled down. You went to check up on Rica. She was on her phone, scrolling through YouTube."

"You should be resting..." She turned to me. "It's too boring to do nothing." She replied and went back to finding an interesting video to cure her boredom. You shrugged and decided to go home. Rica was doing a bit better and her mom is home now.

~~Time Skip~~

You were going to go home when a tap on your back made you turn around. "Hey, we're you going to the park?" Orion asked. "No, I was planning on going home." Orion looked at your outfit you planned out for today. "Looks like you were planning on going somewhere though?"

"Well, I was planning on going shopping and to this maid cafe for fun with Rica but....she has a fever..."

"Would you mind if I join in those plans then? I have nothing better to do. I legit thought I'd be at the park all day looking at the sky just wasting life."

You thought about it. You didn't have a reason to decline his offer, unless "I don't want to because my mood right now isn't really at its best" is a good enough reason. "Sure why not? But let's skip on the shopping. It's too weird to let you see what I pick and for you to check it... I mean, you we were dating but now that you've forgotten...."

"Did you say something?" Orion tried to hear what you were murmuring but he didn't. "I said lets only go to that maid cafe and head home or something."

With that, you and Orion head out on what others would say-a date.

Gosh how do I even end a story. This is why I should've planned at least key events throughout the story first......I'm legit improvising as I you can see, it drives me into a corner at times. By this point, I kinda just want to start another story. A planned out one this time. Buuuuuuuuut this one needs to end before I make another one for less confusion for me.... HOW DO I END THIS. Ok. Next chapter might be the last one cause omg this story has been going on for so long and I'm horrible at improvising.

I'm still getting better at writing and I started this in like what, 2015? Idk. 2016? Aarrghhhh. Anyway, I definitely got better at writing but I can't really create new ideas for this story. Should I just have some planet crash into this one and end the story(jkjk)

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