Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Isaac's Pov

I'm still pretty shocked that I told Allison about my crush on Nikki . She probably is telling Nikki at this moment . Should I ask her out ? What if she says no ? I can't be rejected by her . If she doesn't like me , I get it . I mean , why would she say no ? Maybe she's interested in someone else . God , I can't get my mind off her .

"Isaac ," my father said coldly ,"your late . Again ." "I-I had lacrosse p-practice .." He never thought I was telling the truth . "Your lying ." "N-no . I'm not .." I felt stinging on my left cheek , meaning he slapped me . "Get in the basement . Now ."

Oh great . Another night in the freezer .

Scott's Pov

I had to find Derek Hale . He has to know something about what's happening to me . Stiles happens to think I'm a werewolf but I couldn't believe it . I never believe werewolf's existed .

Me and Stiles arrived at the old burnt down house . Knowing he was here , I yelled ,"Derek ."

Seconds later he walked out in his leather jacket . "What do you want , Scott ." "I want to know what you did to me . What am I ." Derek never had any face expression when talking . "Listen here Scott . I didn't do anything to you . I wasn't the on who bit you . But I do know that you are certainly a werewolf." Stiles almost jumped out of his skin . "Told you so," he whispered . "But how .. werewolves aren't real . I can't be .."

Derek rolled his eyes . "You don't believe me ? Fine . I'll prove it . Listen to all your surroundings . " I concentrated on my hearing . Cars , conversations , animals stalking around the woods . He was right about that . "Now smell . " I raised an eyebrow . "Scott , smell . Sniff around you ." I did so . The smell of burnt wood and tree bark filled my nostrils . And then another smell came when I moved closer to Derek .

Wait . That's Nikki's scent ! What did he do with her ? "Scott , what is it ?" Stiles concernedly asked . "It's .. Nikki . Her scent is on Derek." I wanted to slap that smirk off Derek's face . "Nikki ? You know her ? Well she hit me with her car earlier . Now we are pretty good friends ." The growl that escaped my lips was horrifying . "What did you-" Everything went silent except the footsteps and giggling . We sprinted into Derek's house and kept a look out . Two figures came into view . I noticed them from anywhere .

Allison and Nikki .

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