After the battle

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" YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE !" Ice- Kate screamed at kid flash as she ran around the corner of the tallest building in Keystone city , creating a trail of ice in her path for her skates to travel on. Ice – Kate knew she could not out-run the fastest boy alive but she could try to out smart him, cause lets face it Wally West, Kid flash , was not the brightest crayon in the box . Ice Kate twirled around a corner with the grace of ten Ice skaters and planed to turn on Waller street to get to the crowed part of this city to escape her pursuer and get away with the loot in her hand , which she stole from yet another bank . She zipped with ease through the crowded streets of Waller St. looking behind her to find kid flash searching for her , paused in the middle of the street , where Kate stood his head seamed to find a trace of her nowhere and looked like his head was goanna spin so much it would fly off his neck. She turned back around laughing to herself ,her stupid older brother Kid -Cold would never be able to pull of what she did , and she was planning to get away with it too. What she forgot about was that someone was also on her trail , someone who may not be as fast as her partner and may not have fit in with the crowed very well , but had speed none the less . Ice Kate turned yet another corner , believing she was home free and in a fit of giggles , almost to late did she see someone walk into the middle of the road , trying hard not hit that person Kate lost control of her Ice gun and fell to the asphalt . when she looked up to yell at that person. her eyes , that were filled with anger , suddenly turned to fear for a certain pink haired , cat eyed , mistress of Magic was standing right in front of her.

" Now , I could of sworn your mother talked to you about looking where your going , or at least she talked to your brother Leo about it." Jinx said with a slightly annoyed face.

" YOU!" Ice-Kate screamed as she reached for her Ice gun . it sided out of her reach." GREAT JUST MY LUCK!" Kate yelled getting up to run for the gun.

" Don't get me even started on luck." Jinx said with a huge eye roll . Ice-Kate held the ice gun with shaky hands, and had it pointed right at Jinx. " Alright you want to do this the hard way. I love the hard way" she said with a twinkle of humor in her eyes , Jinx took a couple of steps at Kate , who tensed up and fired. Right as she pulled the trigger a flash of Pink light appeared and the water pipe running underneath the city burst and shot above ground soaking Ice-Kate , and the gun. Kate pulled the trigger and was frozen in a block of ice. And Jinx had the money in her hands . People were coming out of their houses to see the commotion going on outside , gathering outside in awe . Jinx felt a gust of wind on the back of her neck , she knew that feeling well and knew who was standing right beside her .

" You got her ." Kid flash/ Wally West said to her right .

" Of course I did." Said Jinx almost coldly. " I would have taken that same route if I were her" She pointed at the police trying to move a big block of ice into the back of an ambulance . " The only difference is I would of caused a disturbance on the other side of town to through the Titans off their game."

" Well what ever the case that was pretty Cool" Wally said

" Was that an ice joke ?"

" Yeah , it was pretty bad ."

" not your best work ."

"Ill have to 'Chip' at later than." He said pointing to the still frozen Kate .

" Really " Jinx said almost under her breath , face palming her self . " You can be such a dork sometimes."

" Awe come on slowpoke you thought it was cute that I tired." Kid flash argued putting his head on Jinx's shoulder , She reached down and took his hand , he firmly held her hand not wanting to let go . They have been dating for about five months now , Jinx could still not believe that five months ago she was , like Kate , robbing banks and stealing fancy things, wasting her life away asking the world for an explanation for her powers. and Just Like Kate , Jinx had to worry about other people casing her as she did her crimes. The Teen Titans , Man how they used to get on her nerves ,always stopping her when she was so close to being home free. Now she laughs at the thought , because now the people she despised were now her dear friends.

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