The Return Part 4

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   How could she put it kindly ? He looked like strait up shit. He didn't look as bad last night when he was hit. Maybe she was too worried about him being dead , and not paying attention to what damage he took. Well now she was noticing , and it broke her heart over again to see him in this condition .

The moment she took the first step into the room her heart felt like it was going to shatter , tears threatened to overflow from her pink eyes, though she wasn't sure if they were pink because of their normal color or if it was because of her silent cries. Wally's eyes lit up like the sky when he saw her standing there and his smile matched his eyes . how could he be so calm about this? He could of very well died and yet here he is, smiling. He smile didn't last long though , once he saw the look on her face his beautiful cheeky smile dropped and his eyes reflected her hurt in her eyes.

Robin stood with Cybrog who were both looking over some papers on a table clearly getting agitated over something.

" We need to search this city high and low" Robin was yelling in a hush whisper at Cybrog, and explaining with his hands.

" No Robin what we need to do is regroup , We Got one team mate down an-"

" all the more reason to find Dr. Light and bring him to Justice"

Cybrog was surprisingly calm, he looked Robin dead in the eyes and said. " And risk losing more people, Robin he found out Kid Flash's weak spot he was going to hurt Jinx. Now I anint no villain but I would know that Starfire is your weakness , I would aim the gun at her. You would loose her just like " He stopped and finally took notice of jinx standing there with her eyes cast down. " Just like Jinx almost lost Kid Flash." Cybrog nudged Robin hard as he was looking down at the papers . Robin Glanced up and Saw her standing there.

" Cybrog... Lets not fight about this here" Robin was catching on to Cybrog's drift.

" Ya , these two need to be alone." They gathered up their papers and walked out . But you could still hear them arguing down the hall, till the voices finally disappeared.

Jinx wanted to flee from the room. she couldn't stand to see him this way. He was beat up swollen black eyes that looked like it hurt just to see. His lips were cut in multiple different places. His hair was a mess it stuck out in weird angles she never saw before, there was a nasty gash that was stitched up on his forehead . His neck and upper torso were covered in small bruises and cuts. Just looking at him made her wonder if he went through the meat grinder. A long awkward silence followed as she just looked over his condition . she wanted to say something , but what? What could she possibly say ? ' Hey sorry you got blasted' No that's not how it works. She was considering her options when he spoke first.

" So How do I look?" He spread his arms in a 'Look at me' gesture.

That's it , that's all it took. The next thing she knew she was at his bedside on the floor, crying with her head on the mattress . She could not hold them back even if she tried. She let loose all the heart ache and pain she has felt over the last day. A dam broke inside her and it all came out.

She cried for maybe a minute and a half Before she felt a hand go through her hair.

"Jinx , Look at me."

She did as she was asked and looked up.

His eyes... they held so much pain , not just physical from the beating his body took , but they seamed to hold a more deeper pain. Emotional or even Metal pain. It's the pain you feel when your heart is broke. No not broke , Shattered . Shattered into pieces so small they become dust. Although she wasn't sure if it was from the beating he took for her or the pain he now feels for that action, but she can swear his eyes were filled with tears. Not wanting them to overflow from his sky blue eyes, Someone needed to be strong and I guess he thought it had to be him. 'No ' Jinx thought, 'I need to just bucker up and be someone he can lean on right now. If I let myself completely shatter ... ill loose him for good.'

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