After the battle part 2

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The early birds were singing away to a happy morning and the sun crept into her open balcony doors looking like a Disney movie , and Jinx hated it , if it were up to her she would kill all those stupid birds out there for some peace and quit ,groaning loudly and yelling " SHUT-UP!" she closed her doors and fell back onto her bed . The Boy in the room next to her was having a harder time sleeping than she was , sure he slept but the things Jinx filled him in on last night were disturbing him . He was wondering who was out to get them , well he knew Kid-kold and Ice-Kate were but who was after them for revenge reasons? Madam Rouge ? No Jinx took care of her a long time ago. Someone from the Brother-hood of Evil ? No they wouldn't dare mess with the Titans again . Maybe someone from Gotham City? ' No' he thought 'that's way out there. '

Whatever the case , unless things went bad he would not call the Teen Titans , he could handle this on his own , he thought ,he was the protector of this city and he was going to keep it that way. From the next room over he heard his lovely girlfriend yell "SHUT UP" and he heard a door slam , he chuckled " She's cute even when she's mad ." He whispered to himself . Then another thought hit him ' What about Jinx ?' that creep was in 'HIS' City and he was not only after him but his girlfriend too, that thought made him a little angry , if anything happened to her he would loose it. Heck if she went missing he would tear the city apart looking for her . he wasn't sure if he was in love with her or not but he felt like he was falling in love with her slowly but surly . And he hoped she was falling for him too.

Jinx soon gave up on sleep and walked into the main hall and stared at the city , not long after she felt his presence next her,

" Good morning beautiful" Kid said hugging Jinx around her small waist , and in return Jinx put her hands on his hands and leaned back. " What are you staring at?" Kid asked .

" I'm not staring I'm wondering , were would a creep hide in our City?" she quietly replied.

" I don't know , but that's what I'm going to find out today " Kid said

She moved her head into the crook of his neck " you goanna search the city today ?"

" Yea but Ill be back soon " Kid said looking off into the city, " Be back in an Hour ,tops ... What will you do while I'm gone ?" Kid asked

" I was Goanna get in touch with some people and investigate a little more. Hoping to get some more clues to who this dude is. "

" who you goanna contact ?" he asked .

" a Girl is got to have her own secrets ." she said with a giggle.

" Fine " Kid said with a pout. " but I want details on what you find."

" It's a deal" she said.

Kid was already dressed and ready to go. " Be back in a flash " he said and then he was gone leaving Jinx with the feeling of his fingers on her skin. As she stared off into the city she could see quick spots of him then he went out of her vision . Jinx changed into her regular black and purple dress and leggings. She Sat down on the couch, and video called no other than the Teen Titans. the black screen turned to red and green, It was Starfire that Answered the call. And her eye was taking up most of the screen.

" Greetings Jinx " she said with the biggest smile on her face. " What may we do the honor of doing for you today?"

" Hello Starfire good morning and um.... I was hoping to talk to Robin , if I can please "?

" Well Of course ." Starfire said ." Give me a second to find him." She said flashing Jinx another one of her famous smiles . It was less than a minute later that Robin's masked face came on the screen.

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