The return part 5

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Even though the trip was short. It felt like a life time to her. Although Starfire's attempts to start a conversation with Jinx untimely failed, Jinx was grateful for the fact that Starfire was willing to cheer her up. At this point she wasn't just stressed, or even frustrated. She was downright depressed. Thinking she should of never left Keystone city in the first place.

Argent must have been having a field day ,now that she had to work over time. Jinx would have to call her later and apologize.

At the titian's front door Starfire put Jinx in a hug, not her soul crushing hug, but a nice nurturing hug. No words were exchanged , for none was needed. As soon as the two stepped into the door they were meet by Robin, who had a frantic look to his face. Jinx ignored him and pushed past to the elevators, despite Robin's Plea to have her stop.

" What's got her?" Robin inquired.

Starfire put a hand on his shoulder, and shook her head.

" She has had a bad day, ill explain later."

The elevator doors closed, with a slight jerk it went up. The doors opened and Jinx hurried into her room, without a glance at Beast Boy who was silently Waving at her suspiciously . Like he had something to hide. Jinx heed him no attention . She had a goal and she was determined to do it.

Doors opened, and with a flash of pink they slammed closed. Jinx tossed her bag to the other side of the room. She went to through herself onto her bed, she looked into the mirror halfway down and saw someone watching her silently from the side of the room where she trough the bag.

With a straggled gasp, her body tensed up. She missed the bed and landed on the floor. She stayed low and watched the intruders feet from under the bed. He started to walk to her, acting on instinct Jinx popped up from the floor and attempted to hex the man. He dodged and the hex hit a wall decoration, sending shrapnel into the air. Jinx shielded her eyes and slightly turned away.

She opened her eyes and faced the direction of the intruder. He had disappeared.

" Is this how you greet people when they get out of the hospital ?'' The voice was now behind her. Jinx turned around slowly, her eyes widened as far as they could go. He had the biggest smirk her ever wore on his freckled face. He still looked like crap, but it was better than this morning.

Jinx just crossed her arms and glared at him.

" What are you doing out of the sick bay Wally?" She asked bluntly.

Wally huffed. " I thought you would be happy to see me."

Jinx through herself onto the bed, eagle spread style, and groaned.

" I am, I've had a stressful and depressing day alright. I just want to take a nap and wish today never happened." She said covering her face with her face with her hands.

Wally sat next to her, looking concerned.

" you know, taking naps doesn't always help."

She took her hands away from her face and once again glared at him.

" This case is an exception ."

" Well how so? Come on Jinx communicate with me here."

With an over exasperated groan, Jinx sat up and faced him.

" How much time you got?" She asked.

" As long as it takes." Wally said with a shrug.

Jinx rubbed her temples.

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