The return part 7

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The city seamed alive tonight, streets were backed up in traffic, lights lit up the sidewalks so much you could read under them, the moon giving off its soft gentle moonbeams onto everyone, shining on them in pure radiating light.

People went about their business. Some were getting off work , others were heading out for a night on the town and the others... they were on the lookout for something ruinous.

Silhouettes of two womanly figures took to the sky, flying gracefully above the gigantic skyscrapers that dotted the marvelous city. The fair skinned one with the cloak pointed to her comrade. The tan one nodded and they both flew off to different directions. Two took the ground, walking in plain sight, watching every shadow that moved and looking at every nook and cranny within the vast city. The one with the feisty attitude and spiked hair took the north and east part of the city, where the one with the green skin and pointy ears sniffed out the South and West parts of the city. The shadowy figures of the last two took to the roof tops. The one with the bulky armor and technology took the higher class route scouring for any suspicious activity, with the smaller petite build of an acrobat the last one took the more shady areas of the great city looking at nothing to gape at except for the usual activity for the locals.

It was almost past midnight, and not one of the six found anything out of the ordinary to raise suspicions. Everyone was starting to get bored of the looking at the mundane activates going on within the city. The pressure was on tonight, for the man hunt had to end tonight before anything disastrous could put the good people of the city in harm's way. They refused to let that happen, so until the men were found they would search on.

Jinx was going to give a few more hours before she would call it quits, Wally had either have been asleep (like shed hoped) or he would be wide awake worrying about them and wondering if there was any way to help ( which she knew he was doing ). It didn't help that he was still healing, it must have been driving him crazy not being able to go out and help. Jinx sometimes swore he had the worst case of ADHD she has ever seen.

The rest of the team had put a very big responsibility on her , she now represented two people of the team. Now that Wally was forced to stay back at the tower she was fighting for both of them. Even though she no longer feels reasonable for him getting hurt, it still stings that he has to be benched. Jinx wondered if Wally will ever be the same after this whole experience? He strait up told her that he would do it again just to keep her safe, that was something Wally had never expressed to her before. Of course he's told her that he would put his life down for her in the past, but he never mentioned doing it again.

He may change because of this, for better or for worse.

She hoped he would be a better hero through this, not that he isn't a bad hero or anything he just needs to know that in some situations it may be better to sit and think them out, not charge into battle head first.

That got her thinking as well, what if she was never the same after this either? She had been through a lot in her years; first she was shunned as a child for her powers and turned away by her own parents, she found a father figure in brother blood and brothers in the hive-five, only for them to be deemed as criminals in the eyes of the law, she had questioned her very soul propose in life when Wally West first entered the picture, she abandoned her whole life to be with him, she had found a new family in her Teen Titan brothers and sisters, she found love with Wally West and watched in horror when he nearly died two days ago. Thinking on her past out there in the night she understood one thing; She has changed, she's changed a lot through the years. Through each mistake she had ever made she changed to become better, look where was now. She was now a hero, she changed to become who she is now. So why should she change because of a near death experience?

Her eyes widened as she thought more, this shouldn't define the rest of her life. She needed to be strong and move along with things. She may change a little, I mean who wouldn't if they watched their lover almost die right in front of them? But it would only make her tougher and more prepared for the future. She was going to live the rest of her life knowing he got hurt, but it seemed like Wally already moved on and learned from it. She finally realized that this wasn't going to haunt her anymore it was time she let go.

A huge weight was taken off her shoulders that she didn't even know she was carrying. A sigh of relief past her lips.

She was finally free.


Wally's thumbs were starting to get tired from flipping through all the channels on the huge TV that took up most of the room. His bored expression never faltered as he sat on their worn, comfortable couch. With an exasperated sigh he left it on the news channel and left in search of food.

His calm expression on his face hid the true panic he felt really well.

" I should be out there." He muttered. "I don't care how injured I am, they can't just bench me like that!" he searched the fridge with no prevail, so he settled for a simple tofu sandwich. As he angrily put mustard on it more thoughts came into his head.

" I mean, what if they get attacked and they can't communicate with me? Or what if someone gets hurt? What if Jinx gets hurt? Oh I can't think like that I bet she fine." He stopped talking and went back to his sandwich. Then something else occurred to him.

"Huh, so this is how Jinx feels most of the time when I go on a mission?" He said thoughtfully rubbing his chin."I hate this feeling, maybe I should stop doing this to her..." he started to lightly laugh. " Nah! Its cute when she gets worried about me, her eyes narrow, her lips straighten out into a thin line and her nose gets all scrunched up like a cute little bunny an-" he realized he was talking to himself, he blushed glad that no one could see him.

He knows that he shouldn't be worrying about them, her, but it hard not to when you deeply care for that person. He may flirt with other girls but Jinx was truly his everything, he did what he did to protect her and her alone. He knew very well that she could protect herself, she had even proven it to him when they first met. He knew that all those years defending herself had gave her a higher advantage on the battle field, so why should he worry so much?

The answer was a simple one with lots of meaning , he loved her. He just wanted to protect her from the world that coldly turned its back on her once. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, to let him be the shield to protect and preserve her. He knew it would be imposable and she would most likely fight him on that, but he didn't care. He wouldn't stand around and wait for something bad to happen to her or anyone of his friends. Tonight he was going to prove that nothing can drag him down, he was going to fight alongside his friends and show them that he will do anything for them. He just had to wait for the right time.

With a new found sense of pride he would wait till the time was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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