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Soon as they head in, everyone goes back to what they were doing before the new-student-ceremony thing. You, on the otherhand, follow them into the opening room. You see Doug showing them somethings, and you look at the blue dressed girl. Definitely a crush there. You smile. They would be so cute together. "C'mon guys, lets go find our dorms." says the purple-headed one. Wow. How I would LOVE to have purple hair. They head up the left stairway. "Uh, guys, I'm sorry to interrupt," you say. "But your dorms are that way." You point to the opposite stairwell. "Oh." The long-haired guy said.
My sisters hamster just escaped and i fixed the hole with ductape! i saved the day/night. Especially since my dog was trying to eat it.
The De Vil boy looks at you and smile. You say "Sorry, Doug can be a little shy." You then say "Hey, I can show you guys exactly where your dorms are, if you'd like..." They say yes, yeah, totes (guess who) and sure. You get to know them on the way. "So whats your guyses names?" "Jay." "Carlos!" You smile at Carlos, as you have achieved a part of your mental note. "Evie!!" "Mal." "Whats your name?" asks Carlos. "Oh, I'm y/n, y/n Charming." "Wow!! Thats cool, your related to Cinderella!" "Yep, my mom. Actually, its only Ella but one day she woke up with ash and cinder all over her and my step-aunts and step-grandmother started calling her Cinderella." "Wicked." said Mal. "Oh, and Evie, Mal, watch out for my brother. Player of the ladies." "You have a brother?" asked Evie. "Yes. An annoying TWIN brother. Speaking of the dragon......" You notice Chad coming down the hall. "Chad!!" He looks at you and runs into a pole. "My brother is SUCH an idiot..." "Ooohh, hes cute!" exclaims Evie. "But stupid," Mal added on. "Ouch. It must hurt having him as a brother." Carlos says. Yay! Hes showing me sympathy! Not my goal, but it shows he cares! "I also have a little brother, Christopher, but hes much better than Chad." "Hey y/n. Who are these people?" You facepalm yourself. "Chad, they're the new students. Remember?" "No..." "Just get to class then." "Bye y/n y/m/n." "Bye Chad Joseph." He walks away. You show the girls their dorm, and then the boys. You pull Carlos out of the room for a second so Jay won't notice. "I wanna show you this cool place." "Okay." "Meet me in the opening room/lobby (whatever you call it) at 5 o'clock. Okay?" "Okay." omg TFIOS refrence without trying He gives you a small peck on the cheek. You blush. Alot. "Thank you for today, y/n." "Oh, its n-no biggie, I mean it was a free day any-" He cuts you off. "I really appreciated it."
A/N: already going on a date!!!! So yeah..... My sisters hamster should be renamed Houdini. IDK HOW HE PUSHED THE THING OUT OF THE THINGY!!!!! Okay. No one understands me right now, but I duct-taped it. Because duct-tape fixes everything. okay okay. Oh and I honestly didnt mean to do a TFIOS reference at all it kind of just happened. Longest. Chapter. Yet. Was it good bad or perfect? COMMENT VOTE AND FANNNNN!!!!!

Fangirls? Fangirls. (On PurposeTFIOS reference)

Carlos de Vil x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now