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I run as fast as my legs will carry me out of that cafeteria. I didn't want to see that, nor know about it. My heart screams STOP RUNNING, YOU WERN'T MADE TO RUN! while I continue through the castle down to my other two best friends dorm room: Xenia Brooks and Charlotte Marshall. Yes, I know you probably haven't heard of them. Charlotte is Ben's third cousin, twice removed I think? Xenia is Doug's second cousin, never removed, so there you have it. I burst through their doorway, bawling. "Oh my gosh, are you okay y/n?" Xenia yells. "Oh my Auradon, what happened?" Charlotte added. "C-C-," I stuttered. "Spit it out!" Xenia said, getting firey. Gotta love her though, she has a heart of gold. "Carlos!" I yelled, practically screaming tears. "Oh my goodness, is he dead?" Char whispered kind of loudly. Xenia smacked her head. "Are you mental? Of course he isn't! Haven't you heard? He got with Jane while our friend here was hibernating in her room for basically 6 months." She rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm SO sorry, y/n!" Charlotte said. She hugged me. "C'mere gorgeous," Xenia said, getting all smiley. We quit hugging and she wiped the tears off my face. "You'll be okay." she said. "You are a strong, confident, beeeeautiful independent woman."
I lay in my dorm on my bed, swiping through Instagram. My phone suddenly lit up with a call from my mom. I immediately picked up. "Mom?" "Hi y/n! How are you?" I smiled. "Could use a gallon of ice cream, but it's okay. Are you alright?" She laughed at the ice cream comment. "Just a broken ankle dear, it's fine. Just no glass slippers for a while!" I sighed in relief. "That is so good to hear!" I said. "I know you were worried. Can you tell your brothers for me? Oh hello, Nurse! Well, I should go. See you later sweetie!" We hung up. My day just went from bad to okay.


should i make a new cover? comment :)

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