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You are in a pitch-black world of fear. You see your mother, calling you. "Y/N, Y/N!" Mom!! Mom!! You see a carriage tumbling over a hill. "Y/N!!" Mom!! You're into a river of tears "screaming" your mothers name. You're scared half-to-death, shaking. You feel someone shaking you. "Y/N, Y/N are you okay? Say something!!" It was Carlos, shaking you to get up. "Carlos..." "Oh thank god you're awake, Y/N. What happened?" "I saw my mom...... in a carriage..... going over a hill..... What happened to me?" "You went under, Y/N. I've been screaming for you to get up for about 30 minutes...." Carlos said. "Oh. I'm sorry, Carlos-" "Its okay, Y/N, all that matters is that your up now." You guys hugged. "Lets head back to the castle." he says.

~Magical Time Skip~

You're in your dorm with y/bff/n and you hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it." you say. "Are you sure, with that towel on your head?" y/bff/n asked. "I honestly don't care at the moment." "Okay..... If you say so." y/bff/n says. You find Fairy Godmother outside your door. "Miss Charming, would you care to come to my office?" "Uh, sure, but can I get this towel off my head and fix my hair?" "No problem!" "Wha-" "Bibbity-boppity-BOO!" "Wow, my hair is nice and soft..." you say as you pet your hair. "Yes, now lets head to my office." As you walk there, you wonder what could be so urgent. Ugh, I hope Chad hasn't been telling lies again. You walk into her office, and sit down. "Miss Charming, you may want to sit down." "Uh, I am sitting down." "Well, I hate to tell you this." You get a very worried look in your eyes. Am I being expelled? "Your mother has been in a carriage accident." You burst into tears, Fairy Godmother says "I'm VERY sorry, dear," and you rush back to your dorm.
A/N: Okay guys I am REALLY sorry about the wait. As said above, I have lots of things on my plate. Plus my mum had surgery today. T T But yeah, I made an update. Anywho, I have to go do the dishes. (Bleh) Byeeeee!
I can't. *cough* *cough* I'm sick. (But fr doe im sick)

Carlos de Vil x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now