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y/f/f is "your favorite food" Anywho..... the chapter!!!

"And I need my swimming/bathing (whichever your time zone says) suit?" Carlos asks. "Yeah. You do. And just so you know this place is warm all year round so you can go swimming all year round!!!" you say very excited. I will see you later, okay?" "Yep." (No accidental TFIOS sorry D: }


You grabs Carlos's wrist and start pulling him towards the Enchanted Lake. He is wearing his swim shorts under his clothes, so it works. "Wow..." he says as you cross the rope bridge. "It gets better." you say. You finally reach the ruins where the Enchanted Lake is. "This is beautiful...... Like you.." You blush so red you think hes gonna call you a strawberry. "I have a picnic set up over there." You point to where you have your picnic set up. You have y/f/f, strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate, raspberries, blackberries, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, chocolate, popcorn, and much more. "I'm sorry if I don't have your favorite food, I don't know what kind of foods you like..." you mumble. "Its fine. On the Isle, my favorite food was the one you could find the most of." You laugh together. You decide to swim before you eat, because you can always use magic to get you to your dorm from his if you need to bring the food there. "C'mon, lets jump in." "Y/n, I cant." "Why?" "I....uh.... I don't know how.." "Its okay Carlos, we'll just stay in the shallows." "Okay." You pull off your shorts and shirt behind a tree because a) you want to suprise him and b) your not THAT far in a relationship. You wear your favorite bathing/swimming suit, and when you walk out from behind the tree you find shirtless Carlos who is kinda drooling. "C'mon, lets swim." You are having fun and splashing around, when suddenly you get dragged underwater.

A/N: #Cliffy!! Sorry if I don't update fast lately, I have school and a bunch of clubs and now the next level up, regional science fair. I promise I will update though. OMA thank you SOOOOOOOO much for 145 reads/views!!!!!!!! I love you guys!!!! *mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah* And don't forget to vote, silent readers! Also, comment what you want to see and such. I am open to all opinions!! Again, love you, wish me luck at regionals even tho its not till March, AND FAN YO BOOTTTAYYYS OFF!!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Fangirls

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