five - brother

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i walked into the kitchen to find gerard hunched over in one of the dining chairs. he was looking at an old photograph and his eyes were glossy with tears. "gerard?" he looked up, and sniffled. "yeah?" i walked over to him. "you alright?" he sniffled again "yeah i'm fine." i didn't believe him. "you sure?" he stood up. "yeah really i'm fine, don't worry about me." he said and walked out of the room, leaving the photograph behind.

i looked behind to make sure he was gone and picked up the photo to look at it. it was an old picture of what looked like a younger gerard with his arm around a skinny teenager with glasses. he seemed to be smiling and he looked genuinely happy. i frowned. what happened to him? and who was the boy in the photo? i put the photo back on the chair and walked out of the room.


i was sitting on the couch that gerard was sleeping on when i felt something scrape against my lower back. i reached out behind me and pulled out a little black notebook with G printed on it. i opened it carefully and on the first page read "property of gerard way." i closed the book. would it be wrong if i read it? curiosity got the better of me and i opened it again. i flipped through the book to see that it was full of poems. dark poems. i flipped to a random page that read

when i was
a young boy
my father
took me into
the city
to see
a marching band
he said
son when
you grow up
would you be
the savour
of the broken
the beaten
and the damned
will you
defeat them
your demons
and all the
non believers
the plans that
they have made
because one day
ill leave you
a phantom
to lead you in the
to join
the black parade.

i closed the book. it's personal. i told myself. i shouldn't be reading it. i put it back in the couch and turned on the tv as if i hadn't even found it. the door creaked and i looked up to see gerard entering. "uh, hey," he said awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "have you seen a black notebook?" my heart started beating faster and i felt a knot in my stomach. he can't know that i've looked. "um nope." i looked away. "oh okay" he gave me a weird look and left the room.

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