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They both stare at each other and then start walking again with an awkward silence between them.. They reach Zara's house and mayrah greets zara and hugs her while armaan greets zeeshan and hugs him and then he greets farhan and hugs him and then he sees mayrah laughing and stares at her.. Farhan notices this and takes armaan to a chair and makes him sit there and he sits beside him and asks....

farhan: I'll ask you some questions answer them as fast as you can and in only one-two words..ok?

armaan: ok..

farhaan: the decorations are pretty right?

armaan: very pretty!

farhan: the ambiance is really good right?

armaan: obviously!

farhan: everyone is so sweet in her family right?

armaan: very sweet!

farhan: mayrah is looking very beautiful right?

armaan: undoubtedly!

farhan : there you go!

armaan: umm..what?

farhan: hahah! so ..mayrah is looking very beautiful haan?

armaan: actually..that..it was just..ok ..see i didn't meet ayaan..i'll go meet him ..see you later..!!

farhaan: he is trapped..!

zeeshan and zara bump into each other and they both give each other a huge,warm smile!

zara: hi zeesh!..an..asak!

zeeshan: (smiles)wasak! the party is amazing and so are...umm..

zara: and so are..?soo? enjoying the party?

zeeshan: yah! enjoying it!

zara: enjoy ! and have fun and thanks for coming!

zeeshan: oh! it's no problem! you called me with so much love..i had to come!

zara blushes.. and they go other ways..

mayrah comes near armaan and goes near his ear and says shall we tell them?and when she is moving away their eyes meet and then it's like they don't want to see anyone else but those eyes..and then armaan says ok ..you go and tell her while i will go and tell zeeshan ok?

mayrah pulls zara to a corner and says i have a good news for you!

zara: what happened?

mayrah: zeesh..loves..leave it i won't tell...

zara: offo! tell it already or i'll die out of curiosity!

mayrah: ok..ok..zeesh loves you too!!eeeeee!!!!!!and she hugs her and zara hugs her back and they both start jumping with a lot of excitement!


armaan takes zeeshan to a corner and tells him 

armaan: there's an amazing surprise for you!

zeeshan: what is it?

armaan: zara ..loves..someone else!

zeeshan: what! you think this is a surprise?

armaan: ok..she loves ..

zeeshan: tell me who it is ..i'll kill that person right away!

armaan: (stares at him) as if!

zeeshan: (he sadly says) i know! ok..who is it?

armaan: it's zeeshan..it's you..she loves you too!!

zeeshan jumps and says yes and then he hugs armaan and then he's like wait i won't spare you!!

and then he starts running behind him while mayrah is walking in the same direction as armaan's and they both collide against each other in zara's room and fall down....

I'm soo sorry for leaving it here like this but..what to do? I'll try and update the next chapter very soon!ok? now don't kill me for leaving it here!

Thanks to all of you out there for the amazing love and support! love you guys for it!

keep voting,reading,commenting and loving!!

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