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It had been months since me and Harry had ventured to England, it's been calm and completely laid back. I had gotten a job in an office building working with painters and designers, whereas Harry took a job with airplanes for the military. He had always had an interest with building things, and working with airplanes just tops the cake for him.

A few months ago I had found out that I was pregnant, Harry doesn't know about it quite yet, and I'm not sure how he'd react if I told him that I was. I have also come in contact with my old friends from America, Ally and Dinah, who were happy to see me, by Facetiming. "You look so grown up," Dinah said, smiling, looking away,"We talked to Lauren, where'd you go?" Ally asked,"Lauren's alive? Is she okay?" I asked, shocked by this new exciting news,"She's fine now, she suffered a great amount of loss of blood, but she's out of the hospital now, she came and met us," Ally said, smiling,"Is she with you guys now?" I asked,"She's sleeping currently, but if we wake her up she might never fall asleep," Dinah said,"Girls please, please wake her up, I just need to see her," I said, looking frantically at he screen.

They moved around and then what I never thought I would see, Lauren, sleeping sound and comfortable. "Lauren, someone wants to talk to you," Dinah said, sitting next to her on the couch,"Who?" She asked, sleepily, looking at the screen of the laptop,"Camila?" She looked confusingly at the screen,"You're okay! I thought I'd never see you again!" Lauren beamed, making me start to tear up,"I missed you so much," I said, starting to break down. Lauren placed her hand on the screen,"Promise me something, Camz," She said,"We will always be best friends, through everything, I love you, Camila," She said, smiling. I placed my hand on the screen,"I love you too, I promise," I said, wiping away my tears,"Camila? What're you doing?" Harry asked, walking into the bedroom.

"I'm talking to my friends," I said, and Harry slammed the laptop closed,"You can never talk to them, Camila, the police can come and find us and take you away from me, I can't have that, it'll ruin me," He said, taking my hands.

Now is as good as any to tell him, hoping he'd let me go for good,"Harry, I'm Pregnant," I confessed, Harry staring at me, no emotion being expressed,"Y-You're what?" He asked, looking at me,"I'm pregnant," I repeated, looking at him. Harry hugged me,"This is amazing news, Cams," He said, laughing.

Harry sometimes scared me. He didn't hurt me or anything, just how he is scared me, the fact that he killed so many women and gained a title because of it. I hope this child isn't the same as him, I hope that this child takes more after me than him.

"This is great news, it's just what I needed to hear!" Harry beamed, kissing me,"Yes, great news," I said, slightly smiling, on the verge of a frown.

I hope this child will save me from him, because I have no idea what I have gotten used into.

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