Person of Interest

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Sorry for the late update just a lot has been going on. (Am I the only one that seriously hates school?) Anyway enjoy the chapter and I'll try and update more. LOVE YOU LOTS MY UNICORNPUFFS

Zayn's POV

I groan as my alarm goes off easing me out of my deep slumber. I'm surprised I got up so easily, I've always been the harder one to wake up. I yawn and stretch getting out of bed walking over to the bathroom to wash up.

Getting into the shower and the warm spray of the water hits me. I sign as my tense muscles relax. After washing up I step out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. Wiping off the steam on the mirror I come face to face with my tired eyes. I didn't sleep well last night. Tossing and turning all night, the image of brown eyes and amazingly plump red lips burned behind my eyelids. I finish up my morning routine styling my hair and throwing on some boxers, black ripped jeans and a plain black shirt just in time before Niall barged into my room.

"Oh would you look at that sleeping beauty is finally awake." He muses with a teasing smile.

"Shove off," I reply to him moving to go get my combat boots on noting that he's already dressed. I grab my phone wallet and bag walking over to Niall that's now on his phone probably laughing at some random cat video. "Come on or we're gonna be late." I say flicking his nose on the way out my room. Out of nowhere Niall jumps on my back "We're flicking noses now eh that's not so nice now is it Zaynie boy?" He asks rhetorically moving his arms around my neck. "I'm tired carry me to the car." He demands yawning and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Ha Niall I'm gonna need you to think about who you just asked that." I say chuckling, hooking my arms under his legs despite what I just said. Niall is the type of guy you just can't say no to he's like a ball of Irish sunshine. "I know exactly who I said it to mate, you're like a sloth always sleeping and when you're not you're moving slow as hell." Niall said jumping down from my back. Moving over to the drivers side getting in and turning the car on. I move to get in the passenger side sitting back after putting my seat belt on." Just for that your buying my coffee today." I say. Turning to look out the window I watch the scene pass by.

After getting our coffee at the cafe near the campus, Niall paying like I said he would we head off to our first class, sociology. Sitting down in our normal seats taking out our books Professor Thomas starts his lecture. I can already see Niall losing interest which really doesn't surprise me if it doesn't interest Niall he won't bother paying attention, I really wonder how he passes this class yet barely pays attention.

I look back to the front of the room starting to count down the time for this class to be's a 2 hour class. It's not that the class is boring sociology is quite interesting to me actually its just the teacher. Professor Thomas is an old man that looks ancient walks slow and speaks even slower. It makes it seem like the time drags on longer than it actually is and that's what makes me not really like this class.

I started to doodle on the side on my notes not really paying attention anymore when I hear the door to the class burst open. It banged on the wall behind it revealing Liam and curly um what was his name again Harold no thats not it. HARRY! Thats it, he had his long hair in a bun this time while Liam still had his hair up in a quiff but this time a strand was left out. He scanned the room and spotted me staring at him he gave me a smirk and thats when I got over the shock of him being here and HOLY SHIT he's here Liam is here, WHY is he here!? We were suppose to meet him later on at the house not now not here. I turn to see that Niall is still oblivious to this I shake him knocking him out of his zoned out state.

"Liam is here what the hell is he doing here Niall?!" I question frantically hearing Professor Thomas telling Liam and Harry that they have to leave or else he's calling campus security. " Oh no need to do that sir I'm only here to pick someone up." He says smoothly Harry stalking behind him giving professor Thomas one of his blinding stares.  Liam beginsto walk over to us that lazy smirk still on his face.

Complications // Ziam #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now