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Well this is it guys, the final chapter!!! This chapter is dedicated to @everyone who read, voted and commented on this story. Thank you for supporting me and my writing and giving such positive feedback. I love you all<3

"I always ride for you baby, and when shit get hard you know I parade on the side of you baby. Yeah, I met him in a dope gang, he had no name. Back when you could get a half or a whole thang."

Zayn's POV
3 months later

Stretching my limbs I take in a deep breath. Blinking multiple times the lights coming from the open blinds temporarily blinding me.

Turning over onto my side, expecting to see Liam's naked body laying next to me. His tan skin contrasting again the white silk duvet, but in his place was nothing. It was still a little warm meaning he hadn't left for long.

Sitting on the covers slide down my body slightly, only my lower half now covered. Leaning again the headboard I pick up my phone scrolling through Instagram. For some reason this is first thing I do when I wake up, I have no idea why I just do.

Looking up I see Liam leaning against the passageway of the bathroom door. His hair is wet and dropping to match is abdomen. His beard still present and scruffy indicating he opted to not shave, again.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered a small smile gracing his features.

"Morning babe." I say putting my phone down getting up and walking over to the bathroom. However Liam cages me against the wall before I could fully get in. "Is that all I get?" He asks hotly. Leaning in he goes for a kiss until I stop him.

"I'm not gonna kiss you now jaan I've got morning breath." I say trying to move away from him. Chuckling he reluctantly lets me pass with a particularly hard smack on my bum. Making my way through my morning routine I can't help but think over these past 3 months.

In that little span of time so much happened. Harry and Louis got engaged , Calum and Ashton tied the knot. Wahliyah started dating, I'm not really happy with this one. Niall and Josh finally started getting serious and I even met Liam's family, his mother is an amazing women with a passion for art and his dad isn't as intimidating as I though he would be. My family adores Liam's and his family adores me. Even though the whole ordeal with Cameron still kind of haunts me, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.

Stepping out of the shower I dry my hair with a towel then using it to dry excess water off my body before wrapping it around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom to find Liam sitting on the bed with only a pair of low slung sweatpants adorning his body. He's on the phone with someone, and if the banter is anything to go by sounds suspiciously like mother.

Putting on some tight black boxer briefs and a pair of sweats, Liam gets off the phone and walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. Kissing my neck he mumbles out "Trisha wants everyone to come over at 6 for a huge dinner that her and my mother somehow managed to plan without me knowing."

Turning around in his arms I wrap mines around his neck , bringing our noses together in an Eskimo kiss."Sounds like something our mothers are capable of." I say chuckling. Pulling away Liam grabs my hand leading me over to the bed beckoning me to sit down. His expression carrying one of worry and a hint of nervousness. His sudden change in behavior startles me.

"Jaan what's wrong?" I ask my voice thickly laced with concern. Taking my hand in his he begins to talk.

"Zayn from the day I met you, I found you to be incredibly beautiful. There was just something about you that pulled me in and made me want to know more about. I would even go as far as to call it love at first sight but I'm not that cheesy. I love how stubborn and resilient you are. How you have no problem standing up to me. How well you get along with everyone in this gang and have not once judged me for my line of work. Your smile I swear could light up an entire room. I love the way your eyes crinkle and nose scrunches. I want to be with you forever babyboy and I want to continue to have more of these moments with you...." He stops taking a deep breath.

"Liam I don't understa-" I'm cut off by my own gasp when Liam gets down on one knee and pulls out a stunning ring.

"Liam I don't understa-" I'm cut off by my own gasp when Liam gets down on one knee and pulls out a stunning ring

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"I guess what I'm trying to say is will you marry me princess?" He asks his voice filled with hope.

I feel my eyes rim with tears a few spilling over. Nodding my head eagerly I respond with "Of course I will you big oaf!" Placing the ring onto my finger I pull him into a tearful kiss. It wasn't heated or filled with desire it was slow and passionate, our very beings being poured into a kiss.

Resting our heads together Liam whispers "I love you with all my heart Zayn."

"I love you too jaan." I whisper back.

"What does that mean?" He asks

"Life." Was my simple reply.

In life and every relationship there are bound to be complications. This does not simple define your relationship or it's worth. Well in my situation it didn't. Because in the end was staying with Liam ,despite all the risks and complications, worth it?

Hell yeah it was.




I love you all so much and I cannot thank you enough for supporting this book. It was an idea of mine for the better part of a year and is so surreal for me to actually have it written and published. *what? I'm not crying you are.*

Complications // Ziam #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now