Surprise Motherfücker

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This will kinda have some gruesome scenes so beware.

Shout out to @breezyarmy for giving me the push to finish this chapter ❤️❤️ Enjoy guys

Liam's POV

Approaching the building that we were lead to, Louis was over being led into traps so he decided it would be a good idea to start this one with a bang. Pulling the grenade from his vest he pulls out the pin with his teeth, chucking it through a window, after hearing the telltale explosion we barge in. Everything about being quiet and efficient forgotten.

"GET DOWN GET DOWN." Harry yells and almost immediately shots started to spray down from up top. I don't have time for this. I just want to kill these motherfuckers and be done with this all. All traces of warmth is gone from my body. I've went cold, only longing to kill. The one part of me I never wanted Zayn to see.

The only thing I want more than getting Zayn back is to kill Cameron and nothing's going to stop me from doing that.

I look over to Harry and we lock eyes. An evil glint takes over his eyes and a dark smirk grows on his lips. He knows what to do. Looking at him I mouth 'on three.'

1, 2, 3.

Walking out from behind the crate I start to fire my assault rifle. Walking towards the three men on the stairs I duck out of the way as soon as their eyes lock onto me. On cue Harry dips from behind his crate, rolling over to mines without being noticed. Within a second all three men fall their blood splattering and painting the stairs.

I give the sign that it's clear and we all move forward. We split into groups earlier so right now it's only me, Harry, Louis, Kevin, and a few of Michael's men.

Moving up onto the stairs I get blind sided by a man hiding on the other side of the wall. He runs out but I manage to punch him square in the nose, hearing the satisfying 'crack.' Flipping him over my hip I immediately grab his shotgun from him. Shooting him in the head I relish in the warm spray of his blood staining my body and his innards spilling out chunks of his skull decorating the floor.

Standing straight Harry makes the hand gesture to move forward. We check two rooms that were completely empty. Walking back into the hallway I go to check another room. "Liam yoohoo over here." My head whipped over to the end of the hall. Cameron is there at the end of the hall holding up a bruised and battered Zayn, pointing a gun to his temple. Cameron is flanked by almost 20 men. I stand there frozen wanting nothing more than to run to Zayn.

"Come and get him." Cameron simply states dragging Zayn over to the right and out of sight. I'm going to fücking rip him to pieces.

Zayn's POV

Standing there leaning heavily on Cameron my eyes meet with Liam's. His face was stoic, blank honing no emotion. But his eyes, his eyes held a fire that I've never seen before. It could be described as feral, blood thirsty. This was the first time I've ever seen him like this.

And for the first time ever, I was afraid of Liam.

Being dragged into another room, Cameron orders Drew to hang me up in the center of the room.

"He's going to be so pissed when he gets here."  Cameron states with a laugh.

He starts to pace the room his gun in his hand. He starts to mumble more so to himself than us looking like a proper mad man.

"Finally it's time for him to hurt. I've waited too long for this." He stops pacing and stops in front of me pointing the gun at me.

"Did you know that Liam is the cause of why I'm so fücked up. Everything is his fault he ruined EVERYTHING." His hands start to shake and for the first time since I've been in his captivity I saw Cameron cry. Silent tears streamed down his face and his lips trembled.

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