Author's Note

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Looking sexy as always^^

But let's get back to what this is for so um I'm pissed. Cause wattpad decided it would be awesome to you know private chapter 5 Pillow Talk. *sniffs* supposedly you know it was too graphic.......DID I NOT MAKE THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FROM THE START WHAT DO THEY NOT GET BY S.M.U.T!!!!

UGHHHHHHHH so now you guys can't view it unless your following me and I gotta give a link to it. I worked so fùcking hard on this chapter. Then wattpad to pulls this fùckery........


Ok so here's how it goes to read chapter 5 Pillow Talk if you haven't (it's it):
1. Follow me and it said something about being 18 or older but once I give you the link I think it should work soooo.👇
2.go to this link and you should be able to read it.

Hopefully this works...if it don't someone getting punched in the esophagus.

Later my jiggly puffs I love each and everyone of you. Don't forget that your beautiful and someone loves you and if no ones ever told you before I LOVE YOU. (Love yourself too) and try your best at everything you do!!

I'm gonna try and update schools been really on my ass I hate it. But yea Ill try you guys reading and leaving so much good feedback on this book makes me really happy and makes me wanna write more😊

Complications // Ziam #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now