::: Why Are There Two:::

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* the next morning the crew walks in*

NayNay: wheres my precious

RayRay: right here

NayNay: Ray you know damn well i wasn't talking bout you * the nurse brought in Shaun* 

NayNay: I think I'm in love

RayRay: ahem

NayNay: Ray  he's a baby he's so adorable

Alexa: he's the cutest thing ever

Prod: i thought i was the cutest thing ever

Alexa: don't be a RayRay 

Prod: Kay Kay

Nikeira: can i have them

Aiyanna: no this bundle of joy is all mine

Nikeira: awwwwww man I'm coming over all the time 

Prince: so am i he gonna be a babe magnet he gon need us to show him the ropes 

Aiyanna:y'all got three

Nikeira: oh


* everyone starts cooing over the baby Shaun and not paying attention to the nurse bringing  RaeyShaun in to the room Aiyanna's trying to speak over them*

Aiyanna: * yells* hey

Everyone-Aiyanna and Chres: what

Nikeira: * looks at Shaun then the other baby* why are there two baby's

NayNay: oh

Alexa: my

Prince: god

Prod: theirs two babies

RayRay: twins??

Aiyanna: ya'll a mess but everybody meet

Roc: RaeyShaun Craig August baby number two

Prod: Craig awww man you gon have me cry

Ray: first name RaeyShaun man i think I'm in love with you

Roc: save it for NayNay man 

Aiyanna: so i have a question to ask you guys will you be the god parents to Shaun and RaeyShaun 

Everybody: hell yes

* the babies see each other and start smiling and talking to each other*

NayNay: they are too cute

* Keisha walks in and see's both babies*

Keisha: now why are there two future stars instead of one

Roc: Aiyanna had twins

Keisha: * cheesing* twins omg there so precious they look so much like Roc but i see you in there features Aiyanna oooo and the hair hahaha have fun with that

Aiyanna: * groans* uh i know but if i can handle Roc's i think I'm good

Keisha: aight i see you

Roc: can't deny that they aren't mine 

Aiyanna: they aren't yours there ours

Roc; your right baby there our boys

Girls: and ours

Boys: same here

* Aiyanna gives them the stank eye *

Girls: never mind

Boys: Yeah never mind

Aiyanna: that's what i thought

Roc: ahahahahaha

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