::: Taken Advantage Of:::

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Justin’s P.O.V. 

* everybody was having a good time I was kinda pissed at Rico though he was flirting with Makayla she seems interested so I’m happy is she’s happy I know what you’re thinking niggah man up and get yo girl but I don’t think she likes me in that way were just friends that flirt and kiss every now and then. Some people came up to us asking for autographs some complimented me on my recent game then this man came up to me he looked familiar oh hell no I hop it’s not*

Man: hey Justin long time no see remember me coach Thomas your little league coach 

* oh yeah I damn0 well remember you. You molested me fuhking bastard have some nerve to come up here like we cool*

Justin: excuse me * he gets up and basically runs outside not realizing Makayla followed him he yelled* why huh why me I never did anything to deserve this I never deserved to get molested by him

Makayla: dang what

Justin: what are you doing here shouldn’t you be flirting with Rico

Makayla; I might be flirting but I’m the only one that sensed something was really up boi so drop the act and tell me wassup 

Justin: that guy Mr. Thomas he molested almost half my little league team including me they caught him and arrested him then he shows up round here like nothing happen just seeing him makes me want to go crazy he robbed me of my innocence my dad doesn’t even know he was so caught up in to finish his album he didn’t think coach Thomas was capable of that he thought he was a good guy he didn’t find out till he was arrested one of my friends was so shaken he turned gay, one started to take drugs, one almost killed himself me I fought my demons I still Alexa-Marie I didn’t even play football my middle school year I didn’t know who tot rust music was my only way I was still depressed until I meet you today you brought a light into my life knowing what you’ve been though how did you get over it

Makayla: Chres and Aiyanna saved me I know they told you my story and like you said you could barely eat, sleep, or relax I felt all that and they’re the ones that brought that brought the light into my life then you came along and made it shine brighter now that I know your story an di know what you’ve been through I don’t want to see you hurt I just want to to to…

Makayla and Justin: protect you

* They stare at each other for a while just looking at them you could see there bond stronger than ever*

Makayla: * singing* some people want It all but I don’t want nothing at all if it ain’t you baby if I ain’t got you baby

Justin: * singing* some people want diamond rings some just want everything but everything means nothing if I ain’t got you * caresses her face while staring deeply into her eyes (I’m crying ya’ll this is just so corny) * 

Makayla: hand me the world on a silver platter and what good would it be with no one to share with no one who truly cares for me

Justin: some people want it all but I don’t want nothing at all if it ain’t you baby if I ain’t got you baby  ( my thoughts: niggah why is yo ass singing like you in Aladdin like df you a dude sittin ova here like a pussy singing love songs) 

Chres: what the hell are the doing (my thoughts exactly) 

Aiyanna: oh shut up its cute

Justin and Makayla: if I ain’t got you baby * there holding hands and are real close to each other their lips meet and fireworks literally went off*

Aiyanna: I think setting them up is the best thing we’ve ever done

Chres: I agree baby * kisses her cheek and wraps his hands around her waist*

Aiyanna: is Mr. overprotective breaking his protective barrier

Chres: as much as I don’t want to they seem to need each other

* Nobody says anything there to stunned*

Prodigy: I’m proud of you man 

NayNay: oh shyt everybody go sit down they coming 

* They walk inside sit down and can’t stop looking at each other she’s not even paying attention to Rico* 

Alexa: so um Justin is everything alright

Justin: yeah why

Alexa: nun just asking

Diddy: son anything you want to tell us

Justin: nope

Aiyanna: Makkie anything you want to tell me

Makayla: no

Chres: you sure

Justin and Makayla: yes dang

Nikeira: well then

Rico: ok um Makayla I have the beats at my crib if you want after this we could go get them and I can drop you off 

Makayla: mom, dad you cool wiff daht

Aiyanna: yeah

Chres: no funny business

Makayla: yeah yeah old man

* they eat their food an Makayla and Rico are on their way to his house Rico is staring at me*  

Rico: dang girl you lookin all pretty and smell delicious

* he touched my leg he was looking at me and not so much the road so I buckled up*

Makayla: watch where your going

Rico: can’t keep my eyes from looking at what you showin you Makin a brotha crazy I like you Makayla, your spunky, I can just only imagine 

Makayla: yeah well only imagine

Rico: damn0 girl alright

* we got to his house he took me inside and started singing one of his songs about making love as he started singing, he started taking off his shirt he came over to me and started complimenting me he went into his kitchen and came back out with a wine cooler and candles I could tell as he lit the candles that he wanted to make the song a reality*

Makayla: I think you should take me back home now

Rico: oh I don’t think so just relax until I’m done 

Makayla: no I’ll just go myself *I got up to leave but he pulled me back roughly *

Rico: I know you like it rough

Makayla: I like what rough let me go Rico

Rico: shut up I’ll wrap up 

Makayla: I don’t care you’re not doing anything

Rico: * slaps her* shut up and relax 

* Then he raped me*


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~~ NiniNicky

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