Chapter 1 - Wrong Time, Wrong Place

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Hey everyone! So I'm starting a new story featuring Chibs and Tig as well as OC sisters Hazel and Violet Yetton. I'd love to hear your initial thoughts and opinions! Thanks in advance! Xoxo

"Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises." - Mark Oliver Everett


Rolling up on Opie's pickup, Tig's eyes scanned the area as the window slowly rolled down on the driver's side. The streetlights glimmered off his eyes as he leaned out the window, gun in hand, when the squeal of tires hit his ears. Already on edge, the sudden, eye piercing screech of the rubber made him jump and he accident my pulled the trigger. Without aiming the bullets ripped through Donna's shoulder just as a rusted out junker tore down the street and collided with the stolen SUV and went careening into the pickup.

"Holy shit." Hazel shouted, her fingers wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, as Violet popped her head up from the backseat. "You okay?" Her dyed red hair sticking to her glossed lips as she spoke, her voice heavy with concern.

"I'm golden." She sighed, wearing a diabolical grin from the adrenaline and brushing her silky black hair from her eyes. "Wait, Hazel, who the fuck is that?"

They both peered out the shattered windshield, their eyebrows scrunched together, to see Tig scurrying away from the scene. Their eyes met just for a split second but it was long enough that Tig knew he'd been caught.

"Shit," he hissed, turning the corner and heading back to his bike.

The accident was enough of a mess that the two cars chasing the girls skidded to a stop and quickly sped away in the opposite direction.

"Sirens," Hazel sighed. "Cops, Vi. I knew you were going to get me in trouble. We're not kids anymore, this whole night shouldn't have happened."

"Yeah, well consider yourself lucky that you don't have an OG signing your paychecks." Violet complained knowing how furious her boss would be. "Nero is going to kill me." She groaned as the cops came up the street.

They went back and forth until Donna stumbled out of the truck, bloody and sobbing, and both girls panicked. "Oh fuck." Hazel pointed to Donna. "I thought that guy was in that truck."

"No," Violet pointed behind them. "Guess he snuck around from that SUV. Come on, let's get this shit over with."

Violet watched as the paramedics loaded Donna into the ambulance, a distraught Opie clambering in behind her, while she assumed Hazel would make up her lies on the fly.

"Yeah, it was scary, they just wouldn't stop. That's why I was speeding. Once we crashed they saw the accident and left, guess they figured the cops would come."

Hearing the truth from Hazel was surprising, so much so that Violet stared, unsure of what to say. In her line of work pleading the fifth was always the go to but her sister didn't know that. As the other club members arrived, Tig included, Violet was certain that this was a mess she and her sister should not be involved in.

"Yeah, he was like six foot," Hazel said as she tried to picture Tig again.

"Hey, Hazel," Violet tugged at her sister's arm. "He was short, what are you drunk?"

Hazel turned, annoyed, and gave her sister a cold stare. "I am not drunk, I was driving, remember?"

"DUI," Violet clicked her tongue. "Dad is gonna be pissed, you're the good one remember?"

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