Chapter 13 - Playing Both Sides

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"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places." - Mark Twain

Hazel interrogated Nero for a while before she finally gave up and called Chibs, who didn't answer. After two calls she tried the clubhouse and a prospect immediately put him on the line.

"You guys were allowed back in quick," she said in amazement.

"Aye, Charming PD isn't all that thorough, if you know what I mean." He leaned on the bar with his elbows motioning for the prospect to pour him a whisky. "What's going on?"

Hazel pursed her lips, hating how Nero's forcefulness and secrecy made her feel, and started rambling. Clearing his throat, Chibs stopped her and she managed to compose herself. "Nero," she spoke slowly, "Vi's boss, he wants to talk to you guys. He won't tell me what is going on but I think it's pretty clear it's about the shooting."

"Aye," he sighed and rolled his jaw. "I'll come by."

"Thank you," she sighed. "I'm sorry, I feel like such a bother."

"You're not a bother," Chibs smiled as he said it and downed his shot. "The boy still there?"

"Yeah," he's been on the phone a lot though." Hazel sneaked a look at Trevor, "He seems fuckin' pissed."

"If my girl got shot and I wasn't there to protect her I'd be pissy too."

Hazel felt her stomach knot when he said it. "I'll see you soon," her voice was distant and dreamy.

"Aye," he hung up with nothing else. "Jackie," Chibs called for the young VP's attention. "That spic Nero wants to talk, won't say about what but seems seein' the girl hurt twisted him up."

Jax nodded. "I'll go with you and we'll talk to him."

"I'm with you guys," Tig interrupted.

"Violet's guy is still there," Chibs said warningly.

"Then no," Jax huffed, "You're not, Tiggy, stay here."


The longer Trevor remained on the phone the more anxious Hazel became. She watched and listened closely but the conversation was very one sided and she could not hear the interesting side.

"Everything okay?" Hazel butt in as soon as his call ended. "You should be with Violet, not hiding in the corner."

"I wanna find out who did this," he growled.

"It was some random attack, Trev." Hazel forced the lie on him. "Comfort her, worry about your revenge later."

"No one hurts her," he snapped. "Either of you, you know that."

Hazel's jaw stuck out as she stewed, furious at his behavior but only because of the club being so mixed in with the situation.

"We're not in high school anymore," she fought back. "We can take care of ourselves."

"Obviously ya can't," he pointed to Violet. "I'm just counting down the days till I gotta set that Irish asshole straight."

"He's Scottish," Hazel corrected him. "And they'll be no setting him straight no matter what happens, you're not my father."

Sneering, he pointed his finger in her face, ready to go right back at her just as Chibs and Jax arrived. "What do you think you're doing?" Chibs shoved Trevor back from Hazel and Jax swiftly separated the two men.

"It's fine," Hazel sighed, taking Chibs' hand. "Just some nasty history," she said glaring at Trevor. "Nero's on a call, said he'll be right back."

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