Chapter 11 - Bad For Business

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"Your hand, touching mine. This is how galaxies collide." - Sanober Khan

Hazel chewed slowly, taking tiny chomps of her fries while the same handful of hits, oldies of course, played over the restaurant speakers. Looking across at Chibs she rolled her eyes and brushed a few crumbs from her hands.

"So, Hanna's again?"

"Aye," he nodded. Sitting back with a contented smile on his face.

"You said drinks," she reminded him. "This is soda and burgers. Again."

"And you said you were dumping that boyfriend of yours." With a playful smirk he pulled his flask from his cut and poured a generous bit of Jack Daniels into her glass then the rest into his. "There ya go, lass," He winked, "Drinks."

"I'm working on it," Hazel admitted, playing with the food on her plate. "Didn't think you really cared much."

"I don't play well with others and I don't share." He said with an earnestness that was new. "When I want something, I want it."

"And you want me?" She giggled.

They hadn't had many serious talks, a few here and there, but even the ones they had never focused on their relationship.

"Like I said," he trailed off. "That'll do, aye?"

"It will," she pushed her plate away. "Working tonight?"

"No," he sighed with a bit of exhaustion. "A party. It's about time, I'm  worn out, we all are."

"It'll be a nice morale booster, I'm sure." She said absently as he paid. "You guys need it."

He nodded and, as they exited out to Main Street, took her hand. "Why don't you come tonight?"

"To the party?" Their arms pulled a part when she stopped, surprised he was offering, and a smile curled just the corners of her mouth.

"If that's what it takes to make you kick that sack of shit to the curb." He could see it wasn't exactly the answer she wanted so he gave her arm a tug and pulled her closer. "Besides, it's about time I show you off, aye?"

"Aye," she winked, hiding her excitement, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh no," he chuckled. "That's not a kiss." Chibs pressed his palm to her lower back and held her body tight against his as he kissed her deeply. "That's a kiss, girl."

Hazel felt her heart flutter in her chest. "Yes it is," she uttered. "I have a boyfriend to dump, for you I might add, and I should dye my roots if I'm being shown off. Huh?"

Rolling his eyes, Chibs winked and kissed her cheek. "I'll pick you up around ten. If that boy gives you any shite, call me."

Although she loved it, Hazel rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "I'll see you at ten."


*That Night*

As usual, Violet was late to meet Tig but it didn't seem to matter when she arrived as he was nowhere to be found. She could tell now why he'd been so adamant about the time, the lot was full of people and she was sure he had something brewing in his head.

Parking at the corner, she hurried down the block and through the gate scanning the crowd for Tig or someone she remotely recognized. Violet hardly saw a Son let alone the one she had come to meet. It struck her as odd, that the party was already to massively packed so early in the evening, but that was far from her concern at the moment. Catching him tucked away in the corner with an older man she smiled and weaved her way through the crowd.

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