Chapter 36 - Seeking Closure

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"We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils." - Unknown

"Miss Yetton?"

A nurse poked her head into the waiting room and called for Hazel. Violet hurried along, her hand squeezing Hazel's supportively, and whispered to her sister.

"It's all gonna be fine. Once this is done it'll all be over."

They entered a small exam room and Hazel answered a load of questions about her medical history.

"How long should I have someone with me?" Hazel asked, her hands shaking in her lap, as consent forms were lined up on the desk.

"At the very least over night since you'll be given anesthesia." The nurse was polite and thorough but she didn't help ease Hazel's fears. "Depending on how you're feeling in the morning you can decide if you'd like to have someone stay with you."

"We'll figure it out," Violet uttered quietly.

"Alright, Miss Yetton you can come back with me."

When Violet stood to follow the nurse stopped and shook her head. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to have a seat in the waiting room. Patients and personnel only."

"I love you," Hazel sniffled as she hugged Violet. "Thank you."


"I've been looking for a way to get my hands on some Irish firepower for a very long time." Pope grinned as he shook Cameron's and Edmond's hands.

"Aye, so we hear." Cameron chuckled. "What are you looking for? We've got an arsenal."

"The bigger the better," he straightened his tie. "Samples," gesturing to the truck he rubbed his hands together.

"I've got a few."

When one of the Irish men opened the truck Chibs jumped out with guns drawn. Before the Niners could pull their weapons, Cameron, Marks and a few of his fellow traitors already had theirs aimed.

"What is this?" Pope bellowed, looking around at his supposed soldiers, seeing he had been betrayed.

"Progress," Marks smiled. "We've just advanced race relations and this was all it took."

"A mutiny? This is how it goes down?"

"You broke her," Chibs growled as he stalked toward Pope. "And this is what happens when you hurt my girl."

"Broke?" Pope stepped back, hands up in surrender but wearing a toothy grin. "Wait, wait, I didn't break Miss Hazel."

"Don't say her name," Chibs growled. He stopped, Pope's confidence intriguing him, and waited.

"We're on a first name basis," he smirked. "And any one of you pussies who can back me up here will get a nice sum of cash and a roll with the Scot's little party girl. You know, once my boys got her loose she was a real good time."

Chibs sneered, "She didn't have fun with you."

"She did, she loved it," Pope leaned in close. His confidence was enraging but if he was going to die he wasn't going to go out fearfully. Pope would taunt Chibs as much as possible. "Something about some lily white pussy that can just make me sing. I see why you kept her around."

Chibs seethed and with a deep grunt brought the grip of his gun down against Pope's skull. He stumbled back, dazed and stunned by the blow, as blood began to run down his face. Chibs swung the gun and connected with Pope's jaw, sending him stumbling down to his knees. With a kick to the chest Chibs sent him to the ground and quickly got on top of him. Blood trickled from Pope's nose and mouth, the gun sticky with it, as Chibs swung the gun and his fists in a Violet passionate frenzy.

"Alright," Jax mumbled. "He's dead, brother."

Chibs sniffled, his skin slick with sweat, and climbed off Pope. With a snarl, Chibs spit in the bloody pulpy mess that no loner resembled a face before turning his back on the entire scene. Emotionally, he was spent emotionally and exhausted but relief failed to overcome him.

He didn't go with the others for some whisky of back to the clubhouse to celebrate the new deal with Marks; he went home. Hazel wasn't there, which was disconcerting, so he immediately called her. Two went to voicemail before finally on the third try Violet picked up.

"Hey," she whispered. "She's sleeping."

"I was hoping she'd come back tonight." He couldn't pinpoint the swirl of emotions inside him but he knew he wanted Hazel with him. He needed her.

"Yeah, we were chatting and totally stuffed it faces and then she just kind of passed out."

"Should I be worried here?" Looking in the bathroom mirror he could see Pope's blood crusting and drying on his skin. He sighed and turned on the water for a much needed shower. This one was different, it all just felt different, he didn't know why though. "Because I am."

Violet looked into the bedroom to see Hazel sprawled out on the bed, still groggy from the anesthesia and her heart broke.

"I don't know, I think she's okay," she lied.

"I'll talk to Tig if you stop covering for her," Chibs offered. "Please, Violet."

"Fuck Tig," she spat.

"Oh aye, you've done that, love." He was growing tired of the games the girls seemed to be playing. "I'm coming over."

"No, you're not."

"What are you going to do, Violet? Call the cops?"

She grimaced at the comment and sniffled as she forced her voice to remain strong despite her welling tears.

"First off, you're a dick," she hissed. "Secondly, she got her period, she's all emotional and shit so just give her a break."

"I'll be by in the morning. Take care of my girl." He asked sensing it was more than she was letting on.


Violet got into bed with her sister and flicked the TV on keeping a strict vigil beside Hazel. Every now and then Hazel wake up for water, medication or move into a more comfortable position but otherwise she slept straight through.

It wasn't until a little after midnight that Violet began to worry. Even just sitting beside her she could feel her temperature rising and when she woke Hazel she was far worse than when they'd first gotten home.

"Hazel," Violet gave her a shake. "You alright?"

"I feel like death," she whimpered. "It's fine, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Violet scrambled to grab the paperwork the nurse had given them and scan the complication list. "It says fever can be common," she mused. "Low grade though. Do you have a thermometer?"

"No," Hazel chuckled a bit. "I'm fine. Really. Just crank the AC higher."

Doing as she asked, Violet hurried back into bed and, after making sure Hazel was comfortable, shuffled to find herself a spot before promptly passing out.

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