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I couldn't believe what I was doing even as I got into my car and pulled out of my driveway. Why wasn't I nervous? It was like it was just going to my grandma's house. Why did this feel so normal?
That feeling of normalcy quickly went away as pulled into the neighborhood gates where the Kings' house was located. I started freaking out as soon as I realized what I was doing. I was about to go see Owen... at Ashton Kings' house...uninvited. What in the world was I thinking? I could just turn around now and no one would ever know I came up with such a stupid idea. At this point, I was starting to hyperventilate and my palms started to sweat. I felt like I was the one being described in the beginning of "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.
Owen did tell me to stop by anytime. He did need his clothes back. I am tired of being single. I had to do this; it was the only way I would ever know if it would work out. I mean, since when has a guy shown any interest in me that also happened to be extremely gorgeous and sweet? Like, never. Guys never show any interest in me. I had to do this, I decided. I would never find anyone if I never tried. And besides, I was already in his driveway.
I attempted to breathe more evenly and wiped my hands on my pants to rid them of sweat before I got out of the car. I then grabbed the bag of Owen's clothes from the backseat and walked up to the front door slowly. I rang the doorbell then wondered if anyone was even home because I didn't see any cars. The driveway did go around to the back, though, so maybe they parked back there. This was obviously a dumb idea because I should know by now that you can't just show up to someone's house unannounced and expect them to be there. I began to walk back to my car, but when I was halfway down the steps I heard something. The door opened. I couldn't get my hopes up yet though because it may not be Owen.
I turned around when I heard a voice questioningly call my name, only to see that it was not who I came to see. It was Ashton. He furrowed his brows in confusion. "What are you doing here?" he said.
I began to fidget and I could tell I was blushing already. "Um, is Owen here?" My question was answered before Ashton had time to open his mouth. As soon as I said this Owen walked up to the door and said, "Who's here? Oh, hey, Scarlett." Owen shot me a warm smile and I blushed even more than I ever thought was possible. My entire face felt like it was on fire and it was all because of a boy. Why did I let him have this effect over me?
"Hi, Owen. I didn't have anything to do today so I came to bring you back your clothes." Ashton smirked at Owen and he just glared back and told him to shut up.
Owen looked at me, smiling again. "Thanks, do you want to come in?"
I thought about this, "Um, sure. I don't have anywhere to be." Oh my goodness, Owen just invited me inside. How is this even possible? Am I dreaming? I followed Owen through the door and he shut it behind me. As he led me to the living room Ashton caught our attention, "Hey Owen, I'm going to go to Kate's house. Try not to break anything, alright?" Ashton winked at me, making me understand his statement, and feel disgusted and nervous all at the same time.
Owen led me into the living room and sat on one of the gray couches, gesturing for me to take a seat beside him. The couch was as comfortable as it looked. The entire room was beautiful; I couldn't believe some people could afford to live like this. Above the dark brick fire place hung a huge flat screen TV with speakers on either side. The TV was currently playing Family Feud and Steve Harvey was laughing at one of the answers that a family member had just given.
"You watch Family Feud?" I asked. He looked like he didn't know how to respond so I spoke again, "I love this show. I watch it all the time."
Owen immediately looked less tense and replied, "Me too. I was worried you were going to think I was stupid for watching it."
"You shouldn't be ashamed of what TV shows you watch, unless, of course, it's something absolutely awful." We both laughed at this then focused our attention on Family Feud.
When a few minutes had gone by with just general conversation about what was happening on TV, Owen asked her a question that she wasn't really prepared to answer. "So, Scarlett, why did you decide to come here today?" There was a hint of a smile on his lips and I had a feeling he was doing this on purpose.
"I don't know. My mom was at work, Sawyer had to be with his family, and I didn't really have anything to do. I thought it would be a good day to drop off your belongings. Little did I know you would invite me inside." I smirked at him. I don't know where this confidence was coming from. Usually I had a hard time talking to all but two people. But for some reason, talking to Owen was easy, natural (although blushing was still a given).
"Well, Miss Scarlett, I sure am glad that you decided to stop by today. I was suffering from something extreme, called boredom, before you got here and I didn't know how many more origami swans I could make before going absolutely insane. Then you showed up and brought purpose back to my afternoon so thank you for that." His tone was playful and casual, and I could sense an air of comfort and happiness around us. Although this was only the second time I had seen him, I could already tell that Owen was going to be special.


Author's Note:

Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time! School started back and I was overloaded with homework.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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QOTC: What do you think of Owen?

Love, ivy

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