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With a big smile on my face, I told Owen goodbye one last time. That is until I closed the door. As soon as I closed the door, I leaned against it and slid to the floor, the smile dropping from my face in the process. I didn't feel like crying, I just felt disappointed. And I felt ashamed that I was disappointed that Owen didn't kiss me. He didn't even try to kiss me. He hugged me when he got here and he hugged me when he left, but that was it. I had a lot of fun, but my desire for him to kiss me was eating away at me all night. All I wanted was confirmation that he liked me as more of a friend. Sure, it would be great to get to kiss a hot guy in the process, but there was much more to it than that. If he kissed me that meant he liked me as more than a friend, but if he didn't I could never be sure.

Owen and I played Disney karaoke games for about an hour and a half until he said he was ready to eat. Although he didn't say anything, I could tell that he didn't enjoy the singing game as much as Sawyer and I did. He laughed, but it usually seemed forced. We ate pizza for supper and cheese cake for dessert. He seemed happy but not overly excited. Just as I began to suggest that we watch a movie, Owen's cell phone started ringing. He excused himself to answer it and when he came back he said that he was sorry he had to leave. His brother needed him and he had to get there right away. He apologized multiple times before hugging me goodbye and leaving.

It was only nine o'clock, but I decided to get ready for bed. I was filled with disappointment and I needed to sleep so I could wake up the next day and forget about what happened. For the first time since Owen arrived at my house, I picked up my phone and saw that I had two missed text messages; one from my mother and one from Sawyer. My mom was letting me know that she had to stay over tonight and didn't know what time she would be home. I read Sawyer's message and replied.

Sawyer: Let us know how your night goes

To Sawyer: He didn't kiss me.

To Sawyer: Open your balcony door.

Since my mom wouldn't be home until at least after midnight and I really didn't feel like being alone anymore, I made the decision to sneak into Sawyer's house. I had done it before when I was home alone, but it wasn't something I did often because his parents were kind of strict. I needed to be with someone tonight, though, because I knew I couldn't stay sane in a house alone. I put on my pajamas and a hoodie to protect me from the nighttime chill then headed out the door, grabbing my essentials on the way.

When I got to the side of Sawyer's house where his room was, the balcony door was already open. Luckily, his parents' bedroom was on the opposite side of the house so it would be pretty hard to get caught sneaking in. Climbing up to Sawyer's balcony had gotten a lot harder since the last time I had done it. You would think it would be easier because I was about a foot taller, but that was not the case. Struggling, I made my way up the side of the house slowly. When I finally reached the balcony railing Austin was there to help me up over it. I let out a breath of relief when I was safely on the balcony.

"So I see you took my invitation," Austin said with a grin. I smacked him on the arm and made my way into Sawyer's room. He was sitting on his bed with a bag of peanuts in one hand and the remote control in the other, surfing through channels. When he saw me he gave me a questioning look, as if to ask me why I was sneaking into his house.

Sawyer knew something was up because this was unusual of me. "What's wrong, Scar?" he said while getting up from his bed. He set his food down on his night stand and walked over the where Austin and I were standing.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked.

Austin was the first to answer, "Hell yeah you can." He promptly threw his arm over my shoulder and squeezed me to his side. "You can sleep with me if you want," Austin said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and moved away from him and towards Sawyer. Austin just wasn't going to give up, was he?

"Of course you can. We'll have to figure out some sleeping arrangements though," Sawyer said. When Austin went to speak he cut him off. "No, Austin, Scarlett does not want to sleep in the same bed as you. You don't, right?" They both looked towards me for an answer, one with a hopeful expression and the other with a worried one. I quickly shook my head no.

"I'll sleep on the floor or something, I don't care. I did show up without notice after all." I didn't really want to sleep on the floor, but I was already being a bother and I didn't want to cause anymore problems. Usually I would sleep on the couch but the fact that Austin was here made things more complicated.

"No, no you don't have to do that. You can sleep in my bed. We will figure something out," Sawyer said, "Do you want to watch a movie or something? Or TV? Or do you just want to go to sleep now?"

"Can we watch Mean Girls?" I asked excitedly.

Sawyer chuckled. "Sure. Austin? Do you want to watch it with us?"

"Only if I can sit beside Scarlett," Austin replied with a mischievous grin.

I sighed with reluctance and walked over to sit in the middle of the bed. Austin plopped down beside me on my right and Sawyer took the spot on my left. The movie began and I tried to focus all of my attention on that. A few minutes into it Sawyer asked, "Do you want to talk about it, Scar?" I just shook my head no and thanked him for asking. I didn't want to think about why I was here. I just wanted to enjoy it.


I was pretty sure that I only made it through about fifteen minutes of the movie before falling asleep. Apparently Sawyer and Austin did the same thing because when I woke up the next morning they were both cuddled up next to me. So much for deciding on sleeping arrangements. Sawyer was using my stomach as a pillow and Austin had his arm draped over both of us.

I didn't want to stay trapped there forever. Who knew how long they would sleep? So I tried my best to move them without waking either of them. It took a lot of twisting and balancing, but after about 10 minutes I had successfully wiggled out of their grasp. I climbed back down the balcony and headed to my house, leaving Sawyer and Austin to cuddle with each other.


Author's Note:

Hello hello! Well, band camp started at the end of July and I haven't had the time or energy to write :D For anyone who has been through band camp you know how I feel. In 5 days I had 57 hours of practice then a parade that Saturday morning. Fun right? I'm on color guard in case anyone is curious haha. Sooo let me know what you think pretty please! And please share this with your friends!

QOTC: Is anyone else in marching band/on color guard? (this has nothing to do with the story just curious)

xoxo, ivy

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