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Owen and I's relationship was progressing, but we still hadn't made it official. Ever since I was old enough to somewhat understand relationships, I've known that I want to be in serious, committed relationships. I'm insecure, paranoid, and possessive so just casually dating is not a good option for me. Our relationship status was driving me insane if I was being honest, but I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't want to scare him away, but I also didn't want to risk some other girl stealing him away from me. I wanted him to make it official, but part of me wondered if it was still too early to do that. We had only known each other for a month. Was that too soon to start a serious relationship?

Today marked exactly one month since I had met Owen at the Fourth of July party. After today I only had twelve more days until my junior year of high school officially began. Selfishly, I wanted to go back to school officially in a relationship with Owen. He would be the new guy. All of the attention would be on him, especially female attention, and I didn't know how much of that I could handle. If I was his girlfriend he could tell people he's taken and maybe they would leave him alone. Maybe they would see that someone already beat them to the new hot guy at school and I wouldn't have anything to worry about. However, I did still have something to worry about because this was not yet the case.

Since the mall trip with Sawyer, I had seen Owen at least ten times. Sometimes we went out and ate, and other times we stayed in watching movies or playing board games. Not once had he kissed me. He hadn't even come close, and I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. On one hand it could mean that he respects me and doesn't want to rush anything, but it could also mean that he just doesn't want to kiss me. What if I'd been misreading him the whole time and he only liked me as a friend? Sure he called me beautiful, but he hasn't seemed to have any interest in being in a relationship with me yet.

I really wanted him to kiss me. It would be the perfect reassurance that he does have feelings for me. My anxiety tried to get the best of me every night as I lay in bed. All I needed him to do was kiss me, I thought. But how could I make that happen without seeming desperate or pushy? I knew what it was time to do.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Sawyer," I yelled through the house as I pushed open the door. Figuring he was probably in his room, I made my way upstairs. Just as I put my hand on his door knob, the door swung open and the person standing behind it was not Sawyer. Surprisingly it was his cousin Austin, the one who had hit on me the last time I was here.

"Well hello there. What a pleasant surprise." Austin said with a smirk.

I pushed past him and welcomed myself into Sawyer's room, making my way over to the couch where he was playing video games. "Hey Scar. What's up?"

"I need your help," I said as I took a seat on the couch beside him. He paused his video game and set the controller down on the floor. Austin came and took a seat uncomfortably close to me and I had to fight the urge to get up and leave.

"With?" Sawyer looked perplexed, like he had no idea what I was asking.

"Owen problems, duh. So we've known each other for a month today, and we haven't made anything official yet or kissed even. Is that normal? Is it too early for me to want him to be my boyfriend? I don't know what to do, but you know I don't like casual dating. And is it normal for him to not have kissed me yet? He hasn't even tried to. Does that mean he doesn't like me as more than a friend? I need help." When I finished with my rant I sat and waited patiently for a response.

Sawyer finally said, "Um, I don't know. I guess it's normal. But I don't have much experience in this either. Austin?" I couldn't believe I was going to listen to advice from a man-whore, but maybe he would know something.

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