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I woke up Saturday morning to the sunshine blinding me through my wide open windows and the sound of something hitting the floor loudly. Scrunching my face up in annoyance, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and rolled over onto my stomach. This was definitely not how I planned to be woken up on a Saturday morning. I sighed when I looked at the clock on my bedside table. Seven thirty was definitely not what time I wanted to wake up on a Saturday morning. Finally, I forced myself to roll out of bed and investigate the mysteriously loud boom I had heard moments before.

"Oh my goodness!" I yelled when I saw what the source of the sound was. I was startled for two reasons: I forgot that Sawyer had spent the night, and he was standing in my bathroom shirtless with a blood dripping down his bicep. I hurried over to him and grabbed his arm to inspect it. When I realized it wasn't as bad as it looked I let out a sigh of relief. There was blood but it wasn't so bad that he would need a doctor.

"Good morning." Sawyer said as he turned and smiled at me with a hint of guilt on his face. I completely ignored his greeting and went on to ask him about what he had been doing that could have caused this.

"What in the world did you do Sawyer?" Sawyer has never been the clumsy one, that had always been me, so this was unusual. I began looking under my sink for a first aid kit or anything to help the bleeding. After a minute of looking I found some peroxide and an old wash cloth. "Here, you can explain while I clean this off for you." Sawyer sat down on the toilet lid and I got to work cleaning off his cut.

He reached up and scratched the back of his neck with his uninjured arm. "Well, I thought I'd go ahead and take a shower because I woke up really early and couldn't sleep, which is a whole other story, and you were still sleeping. So I was in your shower, that I am not familiar with, and it was very slippery because of all your shampoo and whatnot on the floor. When I was getting out I slipped on your very slippery shower floor and fell. And I hit my head on the wall." He paused, seeming embarrassed of what he was going to say next, "And I cut my arm on the shelf thing you have holding all of your unnecessary bottles of things in there. Basically, this is all your fault because if you hadn't made your shower floor all slippery with your shampoo and you didn't have that shelf thing in there, I wouldn't have hurt myself. I should sue you." By the end of his story I was laughing so much I was having trouble cleaning up his cut still. "Stop laughing," he whined.

"I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. I'm sorry you hurt yourself though. But it isn't my fault. You just need better balance." My laughter finally died down. "Alright, I think I cleaned up your arm enough. Let's go downstairs and look for something to put on it."

"Thank you for fixing me Dr. Scarlett." He said as I finished wrapping up his arm. I didn't really know what I was supposed to do to it, but I settled on wrapping some gauze and a cloth bandage around it.

"You're welcome. That will be $500 please." I tried my best to keep a straight face, but I always had the hardest time not laughing.

Sawyer flipped my hair into my face and scoffed, "In your dreams."


Sawyer and I hopped into his car at exactly 11:45 a.m. I texted Owen and told him we would be there at twelve, and we were right on schedule. Oddly enough I was more nervous today than I was the day I made a surprise visit to Owen's house. I was worried it was going to be awkward. Sawyer and Owen hadn't exactly liked each other the first time they met. It was important to me though that Sawyer and Owen liked each other. Sawyer was always going to be a part of my life and I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who didn't accept that. This day was bound to happen at some point, and it might as well be now so we can get past it. Either way, it was happening. I knew I had no choice in the matter because Sawyer would make me go, and I knew I couldn't cancel on Owen now.

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