Chapter Two

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Graciously Ginny

Chapter Two


Ginny looked at her emerald and diamond engagement ring as she sat on the bed, it was odd being in a room she didn't share with her sisters... at home she had always shared with Lindy and Julie until Lindy got married, and then Julie. So even if she was at home, she'd have to get used to being alone.

'Why'd you have to leave me Fergus?'

She shook that thought; it wouldn't do to dwell on the past when she just needed to move forward. Holding the lantern up she tried to make out the room, the bed sat in-between to windows on the right wall. She walked over to it and sat as she started to untie her boots.

She took her time getting ready for bed. Taking out her hair pins she let her long red hair flow down her back in curls, Fergus had always loved her hair. She bit her lip she couldn't keep doing that to herself.

"He's gone" she said tears forming in her eyes "He's gone and he's never coming back!"

She let herself cry as climbed into the large bed, pulling the quilts around her head.


Ginny snuggled into the warmness at her back. It wasn't until an arm went around her waist that she noticed she wasn't alone in her bed. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see a large hand on her stomach. To shocked to scream she picked it up jumping out of bed before dropping it back down. She put on a robe before turning on a lantern.

The man slept soundly light snores causing his chest to rise and fall in rhythm. He looked familiar to her somehow, but she knew she had never met him before let alone invited him into her bed. She tapped his shoulder before jumping back a good foot away from him. His snoring didn't stop so Ginny pulled her pillow of the bed before throwing it at him.

His eyes fluttered open and he stretched before looking at her confused.

"Who are you?" She asked "And why on God's green earth were you in my bed!"

He sat up and looked around the room "This isn't my room." he said surprised his dark gaze floating back towards her.

"Precisely, now who are you?" she said as she remembered seeing him before, he was the drunken man who leaned against the livery when she first arrived.

"Thomas Jay Clayton."

Her eyes widened, so that's why he was never home? He'd rather be drinking then spending time with his daughters, ones he was very fortunate to have.

"And you are?" he asked his brown eyes searching hers.

"Ginny Wade" she said finally her anger growing "I advise you to leave my room at once Mr. Clayton."

"Calm down, nothing happened... I won't tell anyone either."

Ginny felt completely humiliated, her boss was a town drunk and he had spent at least part of the night in her bed. "Leave." She said putting a hand to her forehead as a sudden headache throbbed.

He nodded standing up, Ginny was happy to see that he was fully clothed but still if anyone saw him leaving her room she'd be ruined. He opened the door slightly shutting it and turning towards her "Mrs. Hastings is coming... I'll hide in the wardrobe until she leaves." He said already climbing in. Ginny shut the doors of the wardrobe before answering her bedroom door.

"Good morning!" Signilda said with a cheerful smile "The girls are getting ready for breakfast... I thought it best to let you sleep in since you travelled so far and all."

"Thank you Signilda, I'll be right down."

The woman smiled before turning to leave once more. Ginny shut the door and leaned on it, thank God she didn't wake her up early as she might have seen her in bed with him. She opened the doors of the wardrobe glaring at Thomas Clayton.

"I have a very strong mother, three sisters, my aunt and uncle and nine cousins... If I ever find you in my bed, I will be telling each and everyone one of them... they all are incredible shots... Understood?" She said in a tone as if she was scolding a child.

He nodded as he climbed out of the wardrobe "Yes ma'am." He said seriously. He walked to the door and looked both ways before leaving. She sighed why had she agreed to come here?

~~ ~~

Thomas had never felt more embarrassed in his life; he had stumbled into her room late last night, mistaking it for his own. The poor governess would probably hand in her notice within the week. Although she was a pretty little thing, she sure was bossy.

He made his way to his room to clean up before going downstairs to face the day with a fierce headache from last night's saloon visit. He picked out one of his finest suits taking his time to even wash his face.
He didn't want his daughters to know he had been out drinking.

When he finally was satisfied with his appearance he made his way downstairs buttoning his suit coat on the way.

He could hear giggling as he neared the kitchen. Wilhelmina's most likely as Lorelei never giggled in front of anyone besides Wilhelmina, she hadn't since Elsie died. He stood still listing intently.

"How does the beginning go again?" Wilhelmina asked.

"I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee; I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.

Graciously Ginny (Letters Of Change Series Book 5)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now