Chapter Twenty- Epilogue

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Graciously Ginny

Chapter Twenty- Epilogue



Thomas walked around his house and towards the back yard; he usually got homemuch earlier than he had today, but it had been unusually busy, and he losttrack of time.

He could hear Wilhelmina and Lorelei- now at the ages of nine and six- laughingand Ginny's sweet voice as she sang a song to their girls.

He smiled as his family came into view. Ginny had her hair down letting it fallin perfect curls around her she held their one-year-old daughter Lottie in herarms smiling down at her. Both Evie and Lottie were the visions of theirmother; Their hair was just as curly and the same shade of red. They both hadhis eyes though; they were brown and beautiful against such light eyelashes.

Both Wilhelmina and Lorelei loved having little sisters, and new friends. Theyhad been attending the newly built school and both had become quick friendswith many of the children from town who also attended school.

Ginny smiled brightly when she saw him, and Wilhelmina, Lorelei, and Two-year-oldEvie ran to him for hugs. Ginny put Lottie on her feet, and she waddled towardshim in the clumsy way all toddlers seemed to do. Their dog Callie had growninto a wonderful protector and friend for the girls and a guard for the house.Most nights she slept in the girls' room but sometimes she'd sleep in his andGinny's room.

Once he hugged and kissed each of his daughters, he then turned his attentionto Ginny. He kissed her with the love he had felt all along for her. She hadbeen just what he needed, and he hoped he was just what she needed as well.

"Alright girls it's time to go inside!" Ginny announced, "Andtime to get ready for bed"

"Oh Mama do we have to?" Lorelei asked her voice no longer as huskyas it had once been.

"Yes I'm afraid so darling but we always have tomorrow." Ginny smileddown at her and took her hand. Wilhelmina ran to her side and took her otherhand, Thomas laughed as he picked up Evie and Lottie.

Ginny shared a look with him and he decided he'd never get tired of this,looking her in the blue-gray eyes he knew this was right where he was supposedto be.

Graciously Ginny (Letters Of Change Series Book 5)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now