Chapter Three- Photo of Thomas

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Graciously Ginny

Chapter Three


Thomas watched from the window in his study as Ginny and Mrs. Hastings hang clean laundry on the line outside while Wilhelmina and Lorelei ran in between the sheets playing a game of make-believe. Ginny had been the governess for almost two months now and hadn't spoken a word to him since she undermined his abilities to be a father.

He was part to blame for it though; he stayed to himself just as he always had. When he was actually home, he stayed in his study keeping the door shut and locked and when he wasn't in his study he was in his room. When he wasn't, he stayed in his office or at the small boardinghouse. He hadn't had even a cup of whiskey since the whole bed mix-up fiasco although he could sure use it; he had a lot of work to do.

Ginny seemed more at home then he did, her laughter floated into his slightly opened window as her hair fell from its pins. He stood there and stared at her red silken curls that flowed well past her waist. She made quick work of putting it back up into a tight bun at the nap of her neck before she continued to hang sheets on the line.

He found himself wondering what her hair felt like to the touch, was it as soft as it looked?

Suddenly her gaze flew to the window; he moved acting as if he was simply walking past the window to his desk with a book. He just hoped she hadn't seen him staring at her as if he were a school boy spying on a girl.

He opened the book he had gotten up to get in the first place as a small knock on his window pulled his attention to the very red-head he was spying on. He opened the window all the way and she simply leaned her arms on the window seal and poked her head inside.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked looking somewhat amused. Her eyes danced and a smile twitched at her lips.

"Perhaps." He said nonchalantly "Enjoying the day?"

"Today, I Am." She said seriously "What about you?"

"I'm working." He said with a slight tone, he hadn't even meant to use one.

"Don't you do anything aside from work?" she asked then thought better of it "Never mind that... Signilda and I are about to take the girls on a walk... would you care to join us?"

"I can't I've got a lot of work to do today... but Thank you." he said this time much more sincerely. He smiled as her as she nodded and left the window. Was it just him or did she seem disappointed?

Why did he suddenly regret saying no? Should he have agreed?

He sighed putting his elbows on his desk and his head in his hands; he never watched Mrs. Hastings or Mrs. Morgan- he didn't even call them by their first names. Why did he care about the Governess?

She was there for one reason and one reason only, and that was to take care of his daughters. He just needed to get her completely out of his thoughts, but he doubted that would happen anytime soon.
It was just something about the passion in her eyes when told him off. No one had ever spoken to him like she had especially not hired help.

~~ ~~

Ginny was upset with Thomas Clayton; the man made no attempt to have a relationship with his daughters. He worked more often than not so why couldn't he take a few minutes to spend time with Wilhelmina and Lorelei.

She took a deep breath before pushing Thomas from her thoughts "Signilda, when am I going to meet that husband of yours?" she asked hoping that the distraction would help her, she smiled as Wilhelmina and Lorelei held hands as they happily skipped in front of her and Signilda.

"You won't." Signilda said simply "He died before we were even married a week."

"I am so sorry-"

"I'm not- not to sound heartless but David Hastings was almost thirty years my senior and very, very rude... my parents forced me to marry him... It was an arranged marriage. I'm just happy Agda got to marry someone she loved."

"You're not very old Signilda, there's still time for you."

Signilda waved a hand at someone coming their way; Ginny put her hand over her eyes so she could see who it was.

"Mr. Phillips lovely day today don't you think?" Signilda called out to the livery owner.

"Yes Mrs. Hastings it is indeed." He said with a bright smile then turning his attention to the others "Miss Ginny, Miss Wilhelmina, and Miss Lorelei I hope you're enjoying this beautiful day as well."

"Yes of course." Ginny said smiling from Signilda to Bucky. They liked each other, it was as clear as day.

"Wilhelmina, Lorelei put your bonnet's on please." She said nonchalantly stepping forward to help them and to give Signilda and Bucky a chance to talk more.

She smiled as she watched Signilda blush as Bucky's smile grew. They would make an awfully adorable couple, Ginny thought as she tied Lorelei's bonnet beneath her neck.

She put her hands up once Ginny stood back up, a silent plea to be carried.

"You want carried already? We've barley left the front yard." she said receiving a nod from the girl "Alright as you wish." She said picking her up into her arms, she was glad the girls were small for their ages as both had requested to be carried on more than on occasion.

"Miss Ginny, why do you only wear dark colors?" Wilhelmina asked innocently.

"Because I am in mourning... I lost someone very special to me." she said honestly putting her free hand on the girl's shoulder.

"When will you get to wear color?"

"As soon as my hearts not so broken." She answered honestly. She wasn't married to Fergus, so she wasn't considered a widow, but she sure felt like one.

"We had to wear black after our mama died." Wilhelmina said "I like to wear color better."

Ginny nodded and took Wilhelmina's hand and tightened her grip on Lorelei as they walked in front of Signilda and Bucky, she wasn't used to the altitude yet so even a slight uphill trek caused her to breathe heavily.

"Miss Ginny?" she jumped when she heard Thomas, he got out of the carriage driven by Albert.

"Mr. Clayton what are you doing here? I thought you had work to do?" Ginny said reciting his earlier excuse.

"Yes well I thought better of it. I was wondering if you and my daughters would like to escort me to the general store... I've got some supplies to buy and I couldn't help but notice their new dolls could use some new clothes. That is if you'd make them some."

"Yes of course... if Bucky would be so kind as to escort Signilda home that is." Ginny added looking towards the couple.

"It would be my pleasure." Bucky said sincerely as Signilda blushed a becoming pink.

"I'll see you at home Ginny." Signilda said with a kind smile before the two went back towards the house.

Wilhelmina smiled brightly as she ran towards the carriage; Thomas helped her climb in before turning to her. She put Lorelei in the carriage before climbing in and sitting next to both girls. Thomas sat on the other side and Ginny noticed how differently he was dressed compared to them, she had dressed the girls in blue flowered dresses and aprons for play while she wore a black farm dress with an apron.

Thomas on the other hand wore a fancy gray waistcoat with a matching coat that had gray covered buttons; a white collar was visible at his neck where his black floppy bow tie was tied and tucked in to his coat. His trousers were a dark blue almost black color. He looked as if he were going someplace fancy not just to a store.

She helped the girls untie their aprons and fix their bonnets before untying her own apron. She self-consciously fixed her hair as she turned her attention back to Thomas who seemed to have been looking at her the whole time.

"Where's your bonnet?" he asked his gaze never wavering from hers.

"I haven't got one... in Kansas I would simply wear one of my father's old Stetson's while riding. So I never saw a need for a bonnet..."

"We'll have to fix that won't we girls?" he looked towards his daughters who both nodded.

"No really-"

"Look we're here!" he said cutting her off. She sighed heavily before telling the girls to leave their dolls in the carriage so as not to lose them.

Thomas climbed out of the carriage first then helped her out by taking her hand. She was amazed how warm his hand was in comparison to her own. She sighed; she should have brought her shawl. She then turned towards the girls helping Wilhelmina out first and telling her to take Thomas' hand while she picked up Lorelei once more.

"Miss Ginny" Wilhelmina said looking back towards her "May I hold your hand now?"

Thomas stopped in his tracks, and a somewhat hurt expression crossed his face before he let go of his daughter's small hand. Ginny nodded slowly taking her hand before looking back up at Thomas, his face looked like stone no emotion passed over it as he led the way to the same store that she had gone into when she first arrived in town.

She just hoped the nosey woman at the counter wasn't there, for whatever reason she really didn't like her.

The bell jingled loudly as all of them entered the store.

"Mrs. Roberts" Thomas called out to the woman behind the counter "This is the Governess Miss Wade, and of course you know the girls Wilhelmina and Lorelei... get them whatever they wish... I'll be right back I need to have a word with Mr. Roberts."

"Yes sir" The woman said as she made her way over to them "What can I help you with?" she said in forced niceness. Ginny bit the inside of her cheek watching Thomas leave into a back room.

"We need to look at the fabric's." she said with a forced smile. She put Lorelei down and took her hand as they followed Mrs. Roberts to the fabrics.

There were all sorts of fabric's, striped, calico, plain and in many colors. She smiled as she saw the wide eyes of both girls.

~~ ~~

Thomas sighed as he exited the backroom; something wasn't right with the books. It seemed they were losing money somehow- which was next to impossible as they were the only store in town.
The man acted innocent like he didn't know, but it was something about him. Something that made Thomas wonder if the Robert's were behind it.

He owned the store they simply ran it for him, but they liked to act otherwise.

He smiled as he saw Wilhelmina and Lorelei with wide eyes looking through the fabrics in the corner; Ginny said something to them causing both of them to nod with smiles spreading across their faces. Faces so much like Elsie's, they had her eyes, but they had his hair. Elsie's hair was brown.

Although lately it seemed her picture was no longer so clear, it felt like he was forgetting what she looked like.

He pushed that thought aside as he rejoined Ginny and the girls. They both seemed to prefer her company to his, although he couldn't blame them. He was simply a man who was never home and never any fun, while Ginny had a way with children; she was fun and sweet and taught them songs they never heard before and apparently made them dolls.

He didn't know the first thing about being a good father, he had often wondered why Elsie had died and not him. She would have been a better parent to the girls.

"Mr. Clayton?" Ginny looked at him expectantly "What do you think?"

"I-I'm sorry my thoughts were elsewhere... what did you ask?"

"Wilhelmina and Lorelei would like to have matching outfits for their dolls and them so I was thinking this" she said holding up blue fabric "And this... and perhaps this for some extra clothing." She said picking up a pale green color as well as a pink, he couldn't help but think she'd look absolutely becoming in the colors she held up.

"I think it's great, take as much as you need... and if you want to buy any to make a dress for yourself..." he hinted receiving a shake of her head instantly.

"Thank you but I've got plenty of clothes."

He nodded in understanding, she was in mourning. A Straw bonnet with dark blue ribbon caught his eye in the window display. He smiled as he gestured for Wilhelmina to follow him. She giggled as they quietly made their way across the store.

"Do you think Miss Ginny would like this?" he asked

Wilhelmina nodded a smile lighting her face "It's pretty."

Thomas smiled and took her hand as they made their way to the front of the store; thankfully Ginny was too busy with the fabrics to notice.


Thomas rolled up his sleeves as he made his way to the parlor, the room was one of the brightest ones in the house, the walls were almost a turquoise color and several framed paintings of flowers hung on the wall. The floor was wooden but most of it was covered with an oversized red, blue and orange rug he'd never cared for.

Ginny sat on an overstuffed blue chair with her legs crossed as she sewed while Wilhelmina sat at her feet reading out loud. Naturally she stopped when he entered the room; he wished that they felt comfortable enough with him to not stop whatever they were doing to look up at him wondering why he was there.

"Where's Lorelei?" he asked looking around.

"She's taking her nap." Ginny answered simply her needle never slowing as she stitched blue calico fabric.

Thomas cleared his throat and ran a hand threw his short blond hair. Ginny looked up at him with a small brow arched she sat down her sewing project and looked up at him; her gray-blue eyes met his and made him feel even more nervous.

"I-I um... I never got to welcome you properly... and you've been doing such a good job that I thought it would be nice to give you a welcome present." He said lifting the wrapped hat box and sitting it on her small lap.

"You got me a gift?" She asked shocked. He nodded and she stood to hug him, putting the box on her chair as she wrapped her arms around his waist "Thank you that was very kind." She said pulling away all too soon; he had barely wrapped his arms around her shoulders when she pulled away. She smelt like roses and cinnamon. Which he found fitting for the blushing redhead.

"I helped!" Wilhelmina said putting her hand on her hip and pouting. Ginny kissed the girl's forehead and whispered her thanks as she turned to the present.

"Would you like to help me open it?" She asked receiving a nod from his daughter. He smiled as he watched them. He was still shocked she had hugged him; she hadn't even opened the package yet and acted as though it was the best gift she'd ever received.

Elsie never acted like that when she received a gift, she often would act as though it wasn't good enough. He shook that thought he didn't need to compare his late wife to anyone, especially not the governess. Although even as he took his leave, the feeling of having Ginny in his arms stayed with him.

~~ ~~

Author's note!

Picture to the right is Joseph Morgan- apparently he's from 'Vampire Diaries' lol sorry I've never seen the show, but I saw his picture and it inspired me to write Thomas' character =] So the picture is what I imagine Thomas to look like!
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Graciously Ginny (Letters Of Change Series Book 5)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now