Chapter Seven

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Graciously Ginny

Chapter Seven


Ginny knocked on the door of Thomas' room. She crossed her arms and then uncrossed them and knocked again. It had to be close to five in the morning by now, but she needed to talk to him. She knocked once more before just pulling the door open, Thomas stood in nothing more than his trousers and a lantern.

"Ginny?" he said surprised and half asleep "I didn't expect to see you... I mean- "

"We need to talk Mr. Clayton."

"I honestly think it's time you start calling me Thomas."

"You're right... Thomas, I think we need to sit some rules."

"Rules? Ginny it's nearly morning and I really need to get some sleep why not just come to bed and we'll sort everything in the morning."

"I'm not coming to bed, Thomas you're not listening to me."

"I'm sorry" Thomas said nearly tripping over his boots as he stepped closer to her "What are you saying exactly?"

"I am saying that I don't know why I agreed to all this! I'm not ready to be in a relationship, you and I haven't even kissed and now we're married? I've only known you all of four months! It's a lot to take in... I mean I want to be there for the girls, but I-I think we rushed into this."

"We were forced into it Ginny... are you saying you want our marriage annulled?"

"No, I'm just saying... I don't know what I'm saying! It's too early or too late, and I'm too sleepy and I am seriously thinking of firing Signilda! She was supposed to be my friend and instead s-she decided to make horrid accusations that you and I... that we... well you know! And I am just not ready for this... I can't be with you as man and wife when my heart still belongs to Fergus."

"It's alright Ginny, I understand." Thomas said sympathetically in a quiet voice "I'm just as overwhelmed and tired as you are."

Ginny nodded letting the tears fall down her face, it felt better to her that he understood. She felt relieved. He pulled her into a hug, which was just what she needed at that moment and when he let go, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.

"Goodnight Thomas." She said stepping out of the room and turning to go back to her room.

"Goodnight Ginny." She heard him call after her. She didn't know what was happening between them, but she was to sleep deprived to even think about it tonight, all she could think about was getting to her room and falling asleep.

~~ ~~

Thomas took another swig of coffee as he waited for the household to arrive in his study. He had only gotten at the very most three hours of sleep last night and he was beyond tired, but he had called a household meeting this morning so he could discuss Ginny's new role in the house. She was no longer the Governess Miss Wade she was now the new Mrs. Clayton, she was the girl's Mother and the Mistress of the house.

That scared him a bit but he pushed it aside, she was his wife now and he wanted to show her the respect she deserved as such.

Agda and Albert we're the first to arrive following Signilda only moments later. He got up from his seat as Ginny entered the room, she looked beautiful and colorful- she wore a pale green dress that made her hair seem even brighter red. Her face was slightly flushed as if she had run from upstairs in order to be on time.

He motioned for her to stand by him and she walked slowly to his side.

"The girls are with Gideon." She said quietly looking towards him. He nodded slightly offering a small smile in response.

"I know you're all wondering why I've called everyone to my study this morning" He said turning his attention back to his maid, butler, and cook as he spoke "Things changed when Mrs. Clayton and I got married last night... She's now in charge of the house she can decide who stays and who goes and you are all to call her 'Mrs. Clayton' just as you call me 'Mr. Clayton' it is out of respect in her new role as the girl's mother and the Mistress of the house and of course as my wife."

They all nodded while Signilda wore an odd expression.

"She is no longer an employee in this house, so do not treat her like one... that is all you may get back to your usual duties." Thomas said letting them all leave.

Ginny stayed waiting until everyone left to shut the door "You didn't have to do that." she said quietly as she walked back towards his desk.

"Do what?"

"Tell them all to call me 'Mrs. Clayton' and that I am... well pretty much in charge of the house." Ginny said tracing the cover of a book on his desk, she didn't look up at him and she spoke quietly.

"But you are Mrs. Clayton and you are in charge of the house." Thomas replied.

"Shouldn't we make all the decisions together?" Ginny said this time her gaze met his.

"What do you mean?" He asked not able to look away from her.

"All the decisions shouldn't we make them together instead of me making the decisions of the house while you make the other decisions?"

"I never really thought about it. Do you not want to oversee the house?" Elsie had never wanted to make the decisions together she wanted to keep the house hers while he took care of everything else.

"I would rather you and I have a sort of partnership where we're both in charge. I think it would be good for the girls to see that kind of unity." Ginny said walking towards his window to peer out of it; He had to admit she had a point. What could it hurt having equal say in things? She was after all his wife now and he wanted her to feel at home here. He could give it a try if nothing else.

"Alright" He said after a long pause. Ginny's eyes widened slightly as she stepped closer to him.

"You mean it?" She asked a slight smile curving the corners of her mouth.

"Yes I do." He said liking the way her eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.

"I'm glad we could agree. Would you like to come with me to see Mrs. Boots and the puppies with the girls and Gideon and I?" She asked referring to the dog and her puppies that seemed to have taken up residence in his barn.

"I've got a lot of work to do today Ginny... but maybe another day." Thomas said feeling bad when he noticed the disappointed look, she sent his way.

"Oh right I should have known." She said before squaring her shoulders and marching towards the door.

"Ginny" he called after her, but it was too late she was already gone. How could she have gone from happy to angry in a matter of seconds?

He sighed and slumped back into his chair, this would be a lot harder than he originally thought.

~~ ~~

Ginny tried not to show she was angry with Thomas for again working instead of spending time with his daughters. She walked with Gideon and tried to carry on a conversation but her mind kept wondering back to her new workaholic of a husband, how could he have been so kind and considerate about her new position as his wife yet he wouldn't spend even a few minutes with his daughters?

"After I leave here I'm going to go spend time with Ariel; she's due to have the baby in two or three months." Gideon said with a smile.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to have you nearby... she'll be a wonderful mother." Ginny said with a smile, her dear cousin was always the nurturing type and had often said she wanted a large family.

"She will be." Gideon agreed as he followed Wilhelmina and Lorelei into the barn, Ginny smiled as the girls started to get excited.

"Now girls remember to be gentle with the puppies and take note of Mrs. Boots she might not want all her puppies taken from her at once." Ginny said taking Wilhelmina and Lorelei's hand as they neared the stable Mrs. Boots had her puppies' in.

Gideon was the first to pick up a puppy all the while he spoke to Mrs. Boots, Wilhelmina stepped closer to him as he gently placed the puppy in her small arms.

"That one is a little boy." He said looking into Wilhelmina's wide hazel eyes.

Wilhelmina smiled as she held the puppy as if it were an egg, she was afraid might break. Ginny crouched down so she could be at the same level as Lorelei.

"Would you like to hold one?" Ginny asked receiving a nod in reply "Giddy would you please hand us a puppy?"

"Which one would you like to hold Miss Lorelei?" Gideon asked trying to get the girl to talk. But just as Ginny suspected she pointed to the puppy she wanted to hold.

"Aye the runt of the litter... This one is a little girl." He said looking the puppy over before handing it to Lorelei and Ginny.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Ginny asked as she helped Lorelei hold her. The small pup had a heart shaped patch on its back.

"Can we keep her Ma?" Wilhelmina asked "Please!"

"I'll have to talk to your father about it." Ginny said with a smile, if she had anything to say about it the puppy would be sleeping in her room before the end of the month. She would welcome the loyal company and unconditional love a dog always was so eager to offer.

"Do you have a dog Gideon?" Ginny asked watching as Wilhelmina pointed to different puppies stating names for each of them.

"Yes Ma'am Isaac and I have three at our new homestead- Cowboy, Dusty and Buckaroo."

Ginny laughed slightly and shook her head.


By the time she got the girls out of the barn it was time for lunch she had to take them upstairs and clean them up before the meal so she promised Gideon she's meet him in the dining room for lunch. She had decided to stop eating in the kitchen with the staff especially since she wasn't too fond of the staff at the moment.

She smiled at the song Wilhelmina was making up as they made their way downstairs for lunch, she just wished Lorelei would talk at least once she was growing more and more worried about her new daughter. Sending a prayer heavenward she put on a brave face and opened the door to the dining room allowing the girls to go in ahead of her.

"Papa?" Wilhelmina asked as if not believing her father was really sitting at the same table as Gideon. Ginny however believed it; of course he felt the need to further anger her by joining them for lunch.

"Wilhelmina" Thomas said smiling at his eldest daughter from the head of the table before turning his attention to her "Lorelei, Ginny I hope you don't mind me joining you for meals from now on."

Ginny narrowed her eyes at him, what was he trying to accomplish by suddenly taking his meals with them?

"Mama" Wilhelmina asked with wide eyes "Do we mind?"

Ginny held back a smile at the girl's innocent question although Gideon wasn't as strong at holding back a laugh. She looked at Thomas wondering if he was alright with the girls referring to her as 'Mama' he didn't look upset at all instead he looked amused.

"Of course not." she said taking the empty seat between Gideon and Thomas while Wilhelmina sat across from her and Lorelei sat across from Gideon.

She avoided eye contact with Thomas even when he spoke directly to her instead she kept her focus on the girls and Gideon and mostly on her plate. She played with her food as she listened to Gideon and Thomas talk about the weather. She knew she should be happy that he actually was spending time with his daughters, but she couldn't help but still be angry with him.

"Ginny is that true?"Thomas asked, causing her to blush for not listening.

"Is what true?" She questioned refolding the napkin in her lap.

"Wilhelmina said that you wanted to speak to me about keeping one of Mrs.Boot's puppies?"

"Oh yes..." she said clearing her throat and finally meeting his gaze "I thoughtit would be good for the girls to learn the responsibilities that involveraising a pet... and I thought it'd be nice company for me as well."

"So you want to keep it in the house?" he asked.

"Precisely" Ginny said giving him her full attention "My parents allowed usseveral dogs growing up and my mom always allowed them in the house especiallyat night."

"I'll think about it." Thomas said standing up from the table.

"I thought we were going to make decisions together!" Ginny said following himas he left towards his study.

"I'll think about it, tell you what I think and then we'll tell the girls."

"Thomas Jay Clayton that is not howit works!" Ginny said, her temper flaring. Why did he insist on making her soangry?

"Then how does it work? You make the decision and tell me about it later?"Thomas said gruffly.

"Well No! I was going to talk to you about it when you were in a better mood."

"I'm in a wonderful mood Ginny it is you who is in a foul mood."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are. I understand that for whatever reason I make you upset but Ginnywe're married now we need to work together not fight one another."

Ginny narrowed her eyes "Alright yes I agree with that but you also need tospend less time working and more time with Wilhelmina and Lorelei."

"Just because you're my wife doesn't mean you can boss me around. I take careof them, I provide for them and now they've got you, you can show them the loveand encouragement they need."

"Thomas, what they need is their father!" She said glaring at him; he simplywalked away from her slamming the door of his study behind him. She rolled hereyes, why did he insist on hiding out in that blasted study rather than beingthe father she knew he could be.

Graciously Ginny (Letters Of Change Series Book 5)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now