Chapter 6

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My breathing coming out in short, ragged breaths as I backed away with fear in my eyes. The brown wolf whimpered as it's ears laid back against it's head while it laid on it's belly before me.

"Jax - Jaxon?" I asked, out of breath.

The wolf made a rumbling noise in the back of his throat, his tail wagging a little. I slowly walked towards him with my hand outstretched before me, my eyes staying on his now golden ones.

When I got close enough to touch him, he met me all the way and pressed his large furry head into the palm of my hand. I gasped as sparks shot up my arm from his touch.

"You knew about last night? You - You were the one who saved me?" I asked.

Jaxon whined and grabbed his jeans with his mouth, running off somewhere where I could no longer see him. Leaving me all by myself. Alone in the woods.

My heart started racing as seconds ticked by. Turning around frantically at every little sound. The sense of safety disappeared when Jaxon did.

"Jax?!" I called out. "Jaxon, please!"

"I'm right here." His raspy voice answered back as he came out from behind a tree in just his jeans, picking his shirt off the ground and putting it back on.

I sat down on the log once more, staring at Jaxon but not really seeing him. Trying to picture him as the wolf. I watched him shift before my eyes, yet I still couldn't believe it. A little scream left my lips when he accidently stepped on a twig, making it snap in half.

Jaxon slowly walked over to me, he held his hands up as his eyes were trained on mine. Like I was the wolf that could easily rip him to shreds. "It's okay, Lexi. I told you, I won't hurt you."

"It was you." I said out of breath, eyes meeting his. "You were the wolf that saved me. You left me that note and flowers this morning. You're J.R., aren't you?"

He nodded. "Yeah, that was both me. I followed your scent to your home."

"Followed my scent?" I asked, confused.

Jaxon tapped the side of his nose. "Werewolf, babe."

I nodded, mumbling right under my breath. "So, you're -" I cleared my throat. "You're a werewolf."

"You're taking this very calmly." Jax noticed, his head tilting.

I took a deep, shaky breath. "Do I seem that way to you? Inside I'm, in all honestly, freaking the hell out. I can't believe that you exist. Are there more of you?"

Jaxon nodded. "A whole pack of us. You saw just a few of them last night. There's packs all over the world."

I let out a shaky breath. "All over the world..." I ran my hand through my blonde hair. "So what's an alpha, if that's what you call it?"

"An alpha is pretty much like what your people call a president just more powerful and runs in one family by the first born son. We make orders, keep everyone in the pack in line. Protect our pack, giving up our life for them if need be for their safety. The alpha is the biggest and most powerful wolf in the pack, that's why no one questions what I do." Jaxon explained, glancing at me every now and then.

"And a mate?" I asked.

I could tell this was the one he didn't want to explain.

Jaxon raised his hand to his lips, nibbling his thumbnail. "A mate?" He cleared his throat. "A mate is a wolf's other half; a soul mate. Mates are together forever, they don't want any other person but their mate. Especially when they seal the deal, they become one."

"Seal the deal? Like sex? Marriage?" I blushed.

Jaxon's finger under my chin made me look up at him. "We can get married, if you'd like. But to become one, so that no other unmated wolf can have you, I would have to mark you and make love to you."

My face reddened at the thought. I barely know this guy and already he thinks he has some stinkin' wolfie claim on me? That I have to have sex with him? This was getting all too much.

Jaxon's hand traced the outline of my jaw, slowly going down my neck. A shiver ran down my spine as I leaned closer into him, his head going into the crook of my neck as he breathed me in.

I pulled away quickly, not liking how I had no control over my body when he was around me. His blue eyes were bright with excitement, a rumble sounded within his chest that made gave me a happy feeling.

"See? Your soul knows I'm right for you. That's why you feel the need to be near me and I you. Why your body curls into mine without even thinking of doing so. We're meant to be." He told me.

I pushed him away from me, getting to my feet. "Stay away from me. I'm not yours! I - I need to go."

With that, I ran away from him. I didn't like feeling trapped. Seems like that's all I was feeling anymore. I needed to be alone, to let everything sink in. That werewolves were real, that the man I'm apparently supposed to spend the rest of my life with is an alpha werewolf.

Just knowing he was a werewolf was too much.

Running through the forest, leaping over obstacles, I had the strange sense of deja vu. Hearing snarls coming from all around me, I swore I saw a gray wolf running alongside me in the far distance but not far enough that I didn't see him.

I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart racing at an all time high as the gray wolf growled at me. He stalked closer to  me, yellow eyes filled with so much hatred. I backed away from it as it grew closer and closer, not once looking away.

Before the gray wolf could attack me, a sand colored wolf came and tackled me to the ground. I screamed loudly, thrashing from underneath it as I pushed it's muzzle away from my face.

A sharp pain shot throughout my body, making me scream even louder. My arm was caught in the jaws of the sand colored wolf, I could feel him sinking his teeth deeper into my arm as the gray wolf circled me. The gray wolf curling his lip before lunging for me.

Now I wish I hadn't run away from Jaxon.

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