Chapter 1- Baz

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   It's our 8th year at Watford and I still haven't managed to kill Snow. As I enter the grounds, I feel his amber eyes burning a hole straight through my back. I look over my shoulder and see him standing in the shadows near the gate. I smirk in his direction and feel satisfaction when I see his eyes narrow in suspicion. The rest of my walk to Mummers House is uneventful, some old friends reuniting, First Years wiping their noses on their shirt sleeves. I stride past them all, focusing on the task at hand - getting to Snow's bed. Every year since 5th, I've allowed myself the luxury of laying on Snow's bed when he's not in the room. I'll lay there and let the waves of his ginger scent wash over me. I always have to sprint to my bed when I hear him entering though. I'd be mortified if he caught me laying in his bed - I'd also never hear the end of it. I had been so lost in thought that I didn't realize I'd already made it to our room. I sigh and prick my finger, placing it against the brass doorknob. I wait while the door confirms my identity. I don't really get how the door confirms my identity with blood when my blood is mixed with all the other blood I've had, but the door is a magic door so I just let it do it't thing. I start rocking back and forth on my feet, looking behind me every few seconds to make sure no one is coming. The door emits a soft click before gliding open. I rush into the room and throw my bags on my bed before rushing back to the door and slamming it shut. Once I'm sure the door is closed I belly flop onto Snow's bed. His smell is faint since he hasn't been her since last year but I can still pick up the smell of ginger. As I let myself get comfortable, my mind begins to wander, imagining what it would be like to kiss Snow on this bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" The door slams shut as his royal highness marches into the room.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I retort as I sit up. His eyes follow me as I slowly walk over to my bed and sit down on the edge of it. "Also don't think that just because it's our last year at Watford we're going to be braiding each other's hair and making friendship bracelets," I bluntly state, trying to calm my emotions.

He looks over his shoulder and glares at me, trying to figure out what I meant by that statement. His eyebrows knit together and his amber eyes squint together in concentration and for some reason it makes me mad. Why can't he see that I want to be friends? That I want to be more than friends. God Snow can be so incredibly thick at times.

"I'm going to take a shower," I growl, grabbing a towel before stalking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. I step in and let the waves of heat wash over me, trying to clear my head.

I step out of the shower feeling relaxed, nothing gets Snow out of your head like hot water. Shit, I forgot my clothes. I can hear Simon shuffling around in our room, probably putting his things away. I decide that I can't hide in here until he finally decides to leave. I wrap a towel around my waste, tying it firmly before I brave our room. I was right, Snow is putting the last of his belongings in his dresser. He turns around and gives me a once-over, his eyebrow gets higher and higher as his gaze travels lower and lower. His stare lasts for only a few seconds but it feels like minutes, maybe even hours, to me.

"Forgot my clothes," I say as I quickly shuffle over to my dresser. I grab the first items of clothing I see, gray sweat pants, a black t-shirt, and some fuzzy purple socks. I quickly pull up my towel and walk back to the bathroom with the little dignity I have left.

When I emerge from the bathroom in my hastily picked outfit, Snow is in front of the mirror, trying to put on his tie. Somehow he's already managed to put on his uniform, he's probably going to go wander the school grounds until the Bunce girl gets here.

"Why are you already wearing your uniform? School hasn't even started yet," I state as I attempt to jam my fuzzy sock clad feet into my shoes.

"Why aren't you?" He retorts, as he finishes tying his tie. I finish putting on my shoes and smirk, his comebacks are getting weaker. I give him a sly smile before gliding out the door and making my way to the Mess Hall.

As soon as I enter the Mess Hall, I know I've gotten myself into a mess. Snow's girlfriend, Agatha, turns to look at me as soon as I enter the room. She thinks I like her just because I took her hands in the Wood last year. Kind of pathetic if you ask me. She's pretty, but what she has in looks she lacks in brains. But most guys don't care about her IQ considering she's the prettiest girl at Watford. I step into the kitchen and quickly grab a roast beef sandwich and a cup of tea before heading to an empty table near the window. As soon as I set my plate down, Agatha stands up like she's been shot and begins to walk over to my table.

"Baz, I've been thinking," she starts talking as soon as she's certain that I'm within earshot, "about that night at the Wood. If you want me, like really want me, you're going to have to prove it."

I stare at her, open mouthed, does she really think that I'm going to work my ass off to steal her from Snow? Please, if I wanted to get on Snow's nerves, I'd date that Bunce chick. At least he cares about her. Agatha gives me a damsel in distress look, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

"Agatha, you're pretty and all, but what would Simon think if you dumped him for me?" I flash a sad smile in Agatha's direction. Agatha may or may not have just given me the perfect plan, what better way to make Snow realize he wants me than to steal his girlfriend? To make things even better, I already got the hamster wheels turning in that pretty little head of hers.

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