Important notice; Story on hold

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The title says it all. I'm putting this story on hold for a bit, just to prepare the upcoming chapters. I find it easier to focus on each story at a time. So, I will focus on my supernatural story, while I finish up the first few chapters to the sequel to 'Unborn'. 

This story wont be on hold for long, but while it is, if you see anyone copying it, or stealing from it, please call them out and report them and notify me. I would really appreciate it. I love my fans, so please understand.(: 

A few words from our cast of 'The B-Virus'.

Sage: "The good parts are coming up, so don't miss them!"

Belle: "Make sure to check regularly if the story's updated again, I promise you'll love the surprises we have in store for you all."

Mom: "I'm just glad I don't have to deal with zombies for awhile.."

Mason: "Make sure to keep reading!"

Adison: "Lots of Surprises and twists ahead, get ready."

Well, Goodbye for now, my lovelies.  -XoXo_Abby

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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